Chapter 4: Unforgettable Moments

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"Yeah... I understand why you didn't tell me this earlier. I know it's hard to talk about that sort of thing."

Speechless, he looked like he was thinking of a way to change the subject. "Ariana, have you ever tried these before?" He touched her and snapped his fingers, having a taiyaki appear in her hands. "You see! It's shaped like a fish and it's a pastry! It's really good, try it!"

'It's obvious that he's trying to avoid this topic. I don't want to push him any longer than I already have...' Ariana took a bite of the taiyaki which made her eyes sparkle. "This is good!"

"See?! What did I tell you? There are other flavors besides those, you can try those other ones sometime!"

"I would like that." She couldn't look away from his smile, but she knows that it's fake. She wanted to talk more about his powers and his shorten life, but she knew that he would just only avoid it.

"I'll give you a whole basketful of these! You could eat about three every day!"

"If I did that, then I would be gaining weight."

"That's fine with me! In my opinion, you would feel better in my arms if you were just a little more plumper."

Stunned, she blushed at his little comment. At the same time, she couldn't help but smile.

"That's it." She looked at him, giving him a confused look. "Your smile. I told you that you should smile more often. Remember that?" She nodded in response. "You really do look your best when you smile, so please keep on smiling."

"It's because of you. You know... You really have a talent for making people smile, Ichthys. Thank you for being the reason why I can smile again." Realizing what she said, she looked down blushing. "Well... What I mean is... You were there for me when nobody else was, and saved my life on multiple occasions. So... Thank you for that."

"You don't need to thank me for that." He put his hand on her head. "You just needed someone to have you guide you on the right path, to make you realize to enjoy life and not having one person take that all away from you."

"Yeah... You're right." She felt tears starting to form, but held them back as best as she could.

"What's that behind your ear?" He touched behind her ear and had his fingers brush against her earlobe which tickled. "It's another taiyaki!" He said handing it to her.

She laughed at his cute little prank, she knew that he was trying to cheer her up. It was obvious that he could tell that she was about to breakdown. "Thank you..." She took a bite of the taiyaki. "Hey Ichthys... Remember that kid from the hospital?"

"Yeah, why are you bringing that up all of a sudden?"

"It's just that... He's been on my mind a lot. He may say some bad things, but that doesn't make him a bad kid. So I was wondering if we can visit him again. You have a talent for making people smile, so I believe that you can make him smile, and it's my duty as a future nurse to see a patient smile. So... Please?"

He looked down and sighed. "You really do have a soft spot, but fine... We'll go see him if that makes you feel better. But..."


"You have to do whatever I ask. It's the least you can do." He put his hand on her chin, making her face him directly. She felt her heart racing and felt the feeling of passing out on the spot. Seeing her reaction, he laughed. "Pffffff! No need to be tense! I won't ask anything too bad so don't worry!" She nodded in response, still a little tense. "We'll visit this kid in a couple days. Sound good?"

"Yeah. That's a great day." Without thinking, she put her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. "Thank you..." He blinked and blushed, and hugged her back. Since he changed her life, she knew that he can change the little boy's life who dreams of wanting to swim again.

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