Chapter 1 (Hermione)

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This story will be in 3rd Person PoV, so be warned, it may not end up remaining that way. Me and 3rd person don't get along, but I really need to expand my abilities, so I'm going to try it. First it'll center on Hermione, then Draco, and will alternate like that.


Hermione woke to the sound of a tap, tap, tapping at the window to the room she shared with Ginny. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she looked around to see if Ginny would get up to open the window, but she was no where in sight as usual. She climbed out of bed and stepped over to the window where a tawney owl waited with a thick envelope in it's claw. Once the window was open, the owl dropped the envelope in Hermiones hand and flew off. Opening it, Hermione found that it was a Hogwarts letter offering for her to return for her missed Seventh Year at Hogwarts.

Dear Miss. Granger,

We would like to offer you the chance to return to Hogwarts for your Seventh Year. It would be a great honor if you would join us this year to complete your Seventh Year at Hogwarts; additionally, we would like to inform you that you have been chosen to perform the duties of Head Girl.

As Head Girl you have the power to take and grant points to houses, and the duty to assure that students obey the rules. Along with the Head boy, you will make nightly rounds to make certain that no students are out of bed. There is also one new duty to which I will explain the exacts of upon the ending of the welcoming Feast.


Minerva McGonagall


At the bottom of the envelope was the Head Girl badge and the list of supplies necessary to the classes Hermione would take. Just seconds after she pulled the badge from the envelope, Harry and Ron burst into the room with thier Hogwarts letters.

"Got your letter too?" Ron asked beaming.

"Oh, you're Head Girl," Harry joined. "That's great."

Hermione smiled at her friends. Even after her break up with Ron, things had been normal between the three of them. They had just realized that they worked better as friends, "I can't wait. McGonagall said there's some new duty for the Head Boy and Girl. I wonder what it is, and who on Earth the Head Boy could be. Did either of you get it?"

"No," Ron replied.

"McGonagall explained in my letter she wasn't even going to bother asking me to be Head Boy. Said she knew I wouldn't accept it. Am I that predictable?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, you are," Hermione and Ron laughed.

Harry pouted making his two friends laugh even harder.

"We had best go to Diagon Alley for our supplies," Ron announced once his laughter had subsided.

"Good idea," Hermione agreed.

"Breakfast!" the trio heard Mrs. Weasley call from downstairs.

Breakfast was delicious as usual; Mrs. Weasley was an amazing cook. The trio quickly finished their meals, and apparated to Diagon Alley. They quickly gathered all their supplies trying to avoid catching anyone's eyes as they wanted to avoid the attention they were sure to get due to their defeat of Lord Voldemort. Fortunately, no one was really out when they were, so there were fewer people to dodge. Once their shopping was finished, they headed back to the Burrow.

"All through with your shopping, dears?" Mrs. Weasley asked them.

They nodded, and headed off to their rooms.


Sorry I this is short. Like I said, its difficult for me to write like this, but I'm going to try it. The only reason I'm trying this is that I need to follow Draco as well as Hermione; therefore, I need to write like this because it'd be awkward to try to write in his PoV.

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