The Lovers Bite

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This is the true story of how their existence became known; all before the fairy tales and myths like Bella and Edward and Elena and Damon, there was only one kind of Vampero, and this is how they began.

There was once a scientist who lived with his only son Ian Vampero, in a faraway town in Somerset located in the outskirts of a 50 acre forest where only one house sat, pretty detached from other families and neighbourhoods Ian Vampero's father, Alexandro Silva Vampero jr , took up to his love for science to keep him busy. Alexandro Silva Vampero jr was a well-known scientist known for inventing crazy ideas and being quite a perfectionist when inventing or cross breeding animals and sometimes humans. Ian was quite a quiet child but only seemed to get up to mischief with his best friend Damian Harris. Since Ian's mother, Katrina dos Santos Vampero died in a house fire 17 years ago, Alexandro Silva Vampero jr had been obsessed with after life and death always testing his theories in hope to one-day wake up and bring back to life his beautiful wife Katrina. Although Alexandro Silva Vampero jr was a well-known scientist known for winning prizes and awards, unfortunately other scientist did not agree with his philosophy on after life and death because they believed it was putting human life in danger and messing with the concept of religion and God. So therefore after a lot of debates and arguing, other scientists decided and refused to take part in the experiment , this was a huge disappointment for Alexandro Silva Vampero jr and because of that rather than letting his notion on the concept of death and afterlife go, he was determined to carry out this experiment himself. This ultimately led to the decision of him buying a detached house with huge amount of land in Somerset.

After numerous failures with his experiment Alexandro Silva Vampero jr decided maybe it was time to let his notion on death and afterlife go, but one night after a huge lighting storm there was a huge bang and it seemed his immortality Vampero machine came to life. With one condition though, his son Ian Vampero and son's friend Damian Harris, were in that room... was it meant to be this way, would Katrina only come back if her son and Damian died in return?

I woke up in a blur, tired and aching in pain, with my dad, Alexandro Silva Vampero jr sitting by my side " Ian, Ian are you alive" he bellowed, I tried to speak but my mind and body were not working together, so inevitably I was left silent . After a few hard moments of trying to force the words out, I sat up slowly and finally caught my breath "what happened" I spurted. I notice my father's expression light up, and then fade as I spoke, "after the explosion, you and Damian were unconscious, and left in a coma for 3 days, worried sick I called the doctor, hoping to wake you and Damian up. Damian woke up after a day, but you my boy, did not, that was what shocked me, I even started to think that in order to get Katrina back I had to give you up, and that my boy is no compromise" . I managed to laugh but realising my dad was not in a humorous mood I decided to stop, I sighed. "Dad, I want to be honest with you, I don't even remember mum, all I know is she died 17 years ago in a house fire, it's hard for you, I know, but please ; let this crazy concept on after life go. I know you loved... no love, mum; but this won't bring her back, and dad let's face it, your immortality Vampero machine is a wreck" dad smiled as if he agreed but then he got caught up with his emotions and something about it told me his memories weren't sweet. "Ian my boy, I loved your mother and till this day I remember her scream, burning to death, she was crying, pleading, begging me to save you, not her, not anyone, just you Ian, we were in the house cooking and I went out earlier that evening, because I trying to finish errands, and she said she went to the basement to get groceries from the fridge in the basement and then there was an explosion, soon after the house caught on fire, you were in the cradle upstairs adjacent to the fire, but when your mother heard your innocent cry, she ran to you like her life depended on it and saved you, cradling you in her burning arms, I reached home, but I was late, far too late. Your mother was dying and she told me to save you, she said in order for her to be happy you had to live, nothing could ever happen to you, she called you special and I yet wonder why , what did she know that I didn't, why couldn't I save her, that is my biggest regret". I stared at my dad, shocked yet calm I realised he never really spoke about my mother to me before, and now I realised why. My mother wasn't his my fathers first love, she was his only love, it wasn't science, it wasn't Somerset, it wasn't himself, it wasn't money, it wasn't his fame and science awards, it wasn't even me, it was mum, my mum Katrina dos Santos Vampero. For some odd reason though, I felt guilty, I felt like because of me my mother had to go upstairs to save me from the fire, because of me she burnt to death, because of me my father has been living in regret and maybe this is what I deserve maybe I'm not special, maybe I'm cursed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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