Exchanged Places

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“Get up!”  Alexander’s voice cut through my hazy thoughts, forcing my attention on him.  He would always yell when I could no longer fight back or when I was stupid enough to deny him something.  Struggling to stand, I grasped the sword beside me and lunged towards his midsection.  

I wanted him to bleed, to feel the pain I went through every moment I spent with him.  To make him feel the hell I was living in for mistakes had no part of.  I knew these feelings would be only fuel to a fire, in which he used to turn me more like him, but I was sick of him and everyone hating me here. 

 Using my last reserves of energy, I flapped my wings and brought the sword to be level with his heart.  Before I could plunge the sword through him, a cold black snake wrapped around my wrist, its tongue flicking against my racing pulse.  Red eyes glowing dangerously as I hissed down at it in resigned anger.

“Amazing,” he whispered “You're like those avenging Angels.” I looked into his usually emotionless eyes and saw that he truly was in awe.  

 "You know I bet you were an Archangel's kid.  Angering, isn't it? To have been given to me? How does it feel to know that no one wants you?" 

 My hands were starting to shake, from rage or the exhaustion I did not know.  With a soft thud I stood on the rust coloured dirt and fought to keep my legs from crumbling. 

 Father, if you can really see and hear all, even those corrupted, end me here and now.  I prayed silently, although I knew all to well that my pleas would only land on deaf ears.  The blade suddenly slipped from my numb fingers and the anger burst forth out of me.

  “Why me? I don’t want anything to do with you!” I screamed, my knees finally giving out from under me and I pitched forward. Staring at the floor I felt as he stepped down before me, plucking lifeless feathers from his shirt. 

 “You, because you were his favorite. You, because I could never taint your soul. You, because He put all his effort into keeping you from Falling, and of course lets not forget your bad girl rep.” His cold tone made me shiver.

  Not a good enough answer, I thought.

“I hate you.” I spit at his naked feet before me.

 “I know, sweetheart,” he backed away and motioned for his son to step forward, “just be thankful I have use for you.”

  “Now, how about we make that Mark a prettier color?”  Since I could’t go back to Heaven and Earth was almost as bad as hell, I let my head bow so I would not have to face the painfully pretty face staring and let him closer to me.

Let him mark me as his own.

  Alec's fingers touched my bluish-black mark and the skin there burned.  Opening my eyes I saw my Mark reflected in his eyes. It was now crimson red, I whimpered slightly as the burned skin knit itself together and lowered myself to the floor.  Before passing out I heard his voice, and then burning hands picking me up off the floor.


Hello guys we know its short but we want to see how you guys take this new story and hopefully we'll update again soon! :D REMEMBER TO COMMENT GUYS! You have to!

- Mariela and Becca.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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