"As for the amortentia," you start, grabbing your wand and swirling loosely over your cauldron until it shows your previous concoction. "I've tried. A lot." You insist, moving your wand to show your other putrid potions. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm following the textbook perfectly: I'm preparing the ingredients properly, the order's—well, in order, and everything still turns out terribly. Is there something the textbook's not telling me? What am I missing?" You scream, shaking your hand free from his as you drop you head into your palms, closing your eyes. "Why can't I just get this right? What's wrong with me?"

There's a silence that follows. Nothing but the trickling of water from the dungeon walls, your own hurting head, and starving stomach make any noise. Maybe Draco left. Maybe he took his dinner rolls and ran to the slytherin commons to celebrate my breakdown. Why wouldn't he? Then, a whisper so faint you fear it might be passing ghost brings you back to the room as someone guides you hand away from you face. The person cupping your hand is warm, but the object in your hand is warmer. Slowly, you peek at your hand then at the person in front of you only to find Draco giving you a dinner roll.

"Y/N, there's nothing wrong with you." Draco nods, his eyes darting across your face as he grabs and bites a nearby dinner roll. "You're just missing an ingredient." He adds, the corners off his mouth pulling into a soft smile as he looks down at his bread.

"And what's that?" You ask, leaning towards him with eager eyes as you grip your bread roll with both hands.

"Love." He responds—barely louder than a whisper—as he takes another bite of his bread. You squint as you try to process what he just said. Is he making fun of me? After a moment of contemplative silence, Draco looks up to see your reaction and adds quickly. "No, it's okay. A lot of people are missing that ingredient—I know I was until...." Draco's eyes flash over you for a second before he coughs and looks away. "Anyways, don't worry. I'm sure you'll find it soon enough—and I'll be here to help."

"You'd do that for me?" You ask, a soft smile working its way across your face as you stare at the boy in front of you—maybe he's not as bad as everyone says. In fact, in the dark dungeon light and buttered bread scent, you might even say Draco Malfoy—prince of Slytherin and king of potions—is better than his reputation.

"Knock, knock." A voice calls from beyond the door, causing both you and Draco to stiffen.

"Room service." Another voice hollers as the door slams open and in come the Weasley twins with a platter of desserts.

"We heard you needed a house call." Fred explains as he nabs the platter from his twin and sets it on a nearby table before seeing the pile of bread rolls. "Are we interrupting something?" Fred asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks to his twin with a goofy grin.

"Maybe a little..." George looks around the room and smiles as both he and his twin join you in facing Draco while they squish against your shoulders. "Dungeon-lit dinner?" Draco, eyes wide, chokes on his dinner roll as Fred and George nudge your shoulders while wiggling their eyebrows.

"The only thing you're interrupting is your father's peace of mind. Seriously: Room service and house calls? You know that those are down by two completely different professions, right?" You tease as you stand on your tippy-toes to sling your arms around either boy's shoulders. "And unless you want me telling McGonagall that I outlined nearly all your papers for Muggle Studies, I suggest you two get a move on before Filch catches you."

"You wouldn't." Both twins snap in unison, George with eyes wide in fear while Fred glares suspiciously.

"I don't know." You reply in a singsong voice as you sway to Draco's side and raise an eyebrow at the twins. "Gryffindors are doing a little too well this year in Quidditch, wouldn't you say, Draco?" You ask, turning to your potions partner with a playful grin and he responds simply by blinking as if trying to process what's happening. "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to the team's star beaters, don't you think. Besides, you two are messing with my studies—you should know better."

"You really are a slytherin, Y/N." Fred retorts, faking a shiver as he and his brother smile as head towards the dungeon doors.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll bring the leftover desserts next study session—and don't forget to bring your broomsticks. I've got a new plant from herbology that should help with durability that will be fully functioning by your next match." You call as the two sneak off to the nearest secret passage and you smile as you shake your head. After all the year end family feasts with the Weasleys and Golden Trio, those boys are just as much as family to you as your blood relatives. Sighing, you scoop up a nearby cupcake when you sense someone watching you. Concerned—and mid-bite—you turn to see Draco hasn't stopped staring at you since you asked him his opinion on Quidditch.

"What?" You ask, your eyes squinting as you try to study Draco's expression. Is there icing on my face? You continue to stare at him until his gaze drops to his shoes and the edges of his mouth are pulled into a soft smile.

"Nothing." He replies quietly. "It's just you—there's so much more to you than I thought." He adds simply to which you raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain. When he doesn't move for the next few minutes and you finish your cupcake, you shrug and grab your wand, casting a shrinking spell on the food and tray so you can stow them in your vials on your way back to the commons.

"Well, we should get going—Filch really does make his rounds around now, you know." You add, waiting for Draco to react but he merely nods and keeps his head focused on his shoes. You squint at him, wondering if you're somehow the cause of his sudden silence when you notice him moving toward the door. He's probably just tired. Shrugging, you set your vials down to get a better grip on them when Draco swoops in to grab them, a polite yet kind smile flashing across his face before he speeds towards the exit. Well, that was weird. It's probably nothing though—he just didn't want to be seen with you: that's all. I mean, if that's not the reason he choked on his bread at the idea of us together and all this avoiding eye contact nonsense—then what could it be?

It's been forever oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! A lot has happened though in my life! (Cue the excuses.) No, but really, school was starting up, I had an intense workshop, I got in and out of a relationship--just a whole lot of drama. I'm back though and with some good old teasing twins to make an appearance. Sorry for the wait, everyone. Seriously. You all deserve better, but thanks for all the support and for sticking around. It really means a lot <3


Amortentia: A Draco x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now