Rp. Part 1

75 2 0

June 28

I don't think life can get anymore terrible. I mean, I've pretty much messed everything up. Everyone is gone... vanished, you could say. I'm stuck in between two paths, deciding if I should give up and fade away as well or fight to get them back. I know my guild would do everything to save their friends... their nakama... but even so, I can't find it in my heart to follow that code of honor Fairy Tail wears proudly like a badge.

But... I guess I can fight a little bit. I know what I could do... and what I will. I'm going to go back in time... and save everyone. I hope I make it... I'm small, but I can make a difference. I won't give up... not yet.

If I do fail, I'll see you on the other side my friend... hopefully you'll greet me there as a hero rather than a coward. For my race, I best put on a good final show. Make Fairy Tail proud, right?

I just hope... you'll really forgive me... if I don't succeed.

"Ya know, I totally forgot I had a cookie in the freezer this morning." Ryu put in as she hovered above a golden head of hair. "So when we get home, it's gonna taste really good. Cold cookies... heh heh...!"

"Awwww, make sure you share!" Maggie pouted. "Or I can make some monkey bread!"

Ryu just grinned. "Weeell, if you insist...." she purred with a knowing look, and then silently leaned in closer to the mage. "And... ya know... you and Natsu seem pretty close. Can't be just me who notices, either." the Exceed couldn't help but giggle at the end and float away. "Oh, and we should leave in a few minutes to the train. Team Natsu will be waiting for us!" "I-It's not what you think..! You're just seeing things!" The blonde mage stammered, blushing madly. Ryu rolled her eyes, "Yes, yes... of course I am. And everyone else in the Guild, too." she teased, gliding above Maggie's head and peering down with a smirk. "Only dense idiot is Natsu, really. But don't worry, Maggie, I'll shape that guy into a man... someday!" The 'love expert' giggled madly at her last statement, falling back onto the floor and holding her stomach with a wide grin."Ha ha ha!! Nevermind, he's a hopeless cause! All that's on his mind is fire flowers and power-up mushrooms!" Hope she got the Mario joke... he he...!

"J-just don't tell him! Even if he is dense he still can't know!" Maggie shook her head back and forth feverishly.

"Alright, alright. You know I wouldn't tell a soul." Ryu stated, her wings disappearing to save the rest of her magic. She pushed herself onto her hind legs and walked over to Maggie's side, lightly pulling on her shoe lace in boredom, and also because it was just an available toy. "But we should leave the house soon... before Erza has our heads." "OH CRAP! GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!" "GO GO GO!!!!" Ryu repeated, climbing up Maggie's shoulder as the girl raced out. Ryu was the first to the train station, spotting the familiar members of Team Natsu. Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Happy and of course the one and only Natsu Dragneel. Ryu hovered beside Happy and gave Maggie a wide grin. "We're here!" Maggie grinned.

"Your late," Erza said, though her voice didn't hold the usually malevolent aura she was known for. Obviously she had already taken out most of her rage upon two bruised and unconscious Fairy Tail wizards. Gray and Natsu looked... dead, to be honest. Happy was just nibbling on a spare fish for no apparent reason.

"Heh, sorry...we had a few issues at home" Maggie sweatdropped. Erza sighed, and she turned a sharp gaze to Natsu and Gray. "Get up. We're leaving." she snapped.

Natsu sat up, raising a hand to rub his head. "Ugh... wait, let's start walkin' then!! I'm all fired up!"

Ryu facepalmed. "We're riding a train, dimwit." she growled. At Natsu's horrified expression, the brown Exceed went on. "You'll have to use Maggie's lap for a pillow like last time. Though don't drool all over her skirt! Your not the only one who uses that pillow!" Grey snickers, failing to be quiet. Maggie rolls her eyes, "So where exactly is this quest at?"

Erza shoots Gray a death look, before turning to Maggie and responding. "We're to check on a report for suspicious activity in the general outskirts of a town called Mistle Bridge. It's a very beautiful town built into a cliff, and on a lake, with many tall waterfalls and towering stone walls. The town is a bit older and connected by walkways. The report says some cloaked figures with symbols familiar to the dark guild Tiger's Claw have been spotted, and to approach with extreme caution. We're to meet the Duke of Mistle Bridge and his daughter upon arrival."

"Sounds easy enough! Let's go!" Maggie grins. "Aye!" Happy says through noms on his fish. "Aye!" Natsu piped in, going to reach for Maggie's hand and drag her onto the train, somehow finding a bit of a cheerfulness despite where he was walking to.

Ryu watched with an amused expression beside Happy, eyeing the two and offering a teasing smirk at her best friend.

"Ok, I can't be the only person who notices this." Grey says chuckling. "You're not," Ryu encouraged, casting her same smirk at the Ice Mage before fluttering after the two.


On the train...

Maggie was sitting in the window seat staring out the window while Grey was playing with his ice magic. Ryu was chatting happily with Happy, while Erza was watching Gray's Ice Magic with a casual expression. Natsu had his head in Maggie's lap, drool slowly dripping down unconsciously. Gray looked over at Natsu and held in a laugh, "He's drooling"

"On MY pillow!!!" Ryu hissed in annoyance.

"It's MY lap not a pillow!" Maggie glared.

"Well he's drooling ALL OVER IT!!!"

"NO SHIT" Maggie yelled, voice dripping in sarcasm.


"HALP!........HHAAAAAALLLLPPPPP!" Grey finally let go and burst out laughing. "SHUT UP...! I'm... zeeeeping... and it's s-spinning again...." Natsu moaned, clutching his head.

Erza just frowned at him.

Ryu was laughing along with Grey, and she floated over to the Ice Mage and sat on his lap. "NOW she doesn't like it!" "MAYBE I'D BE QUIETER IF YOU WEREN'T DROOLING ON MY LAP!" The light mage yelled at the fire mage. Natsu grumbled something inaudible under his breath.

"What'd you say??? I swear if you're making fun of me, i'll kick your ass!" Natsu carried an utter look of fear.

Ryu beat her paws against Gray's leg with tears streaming down her face and laughter echoing throughout the train. "Ha ha ha ha!! Oh, if only you had heard it, Maggie! But my lips are sealed!!" She sat up and cupped her paws over Gray's ear, whispering so only the Ice Mage could hear. "He said, 'but your lap is so comfy and mushy'. Can you believe it?! Maggie will kill him if she finds out she called her thighs mushy!"

Gray snickers quietly and glances at Maggie. "WHAT'D YOU SAY RYU?!" Maggie glared at her exceed and the ice mage. Ryu just smiled. And then shrugged. "Why don't you ask Nat-su~?" she purred the name.

Erza was just amused.

Maggie crosses her arms and leans on the window and stares out of it, pouting. Natsu glanced up at Maggie's face, and then he sighed. "I called this pillow comfy...." he muttered, nuzzling deeper into a comfortable sleep before Maggie could perhaps attack him. "And... mushy... mmmph... zzz...."

A light blush dusted the light mages cheeks as she continued to stare out the window. Gray smirked at Maggie and chuckled slightly, "Are you trying to immitate a tomato?" "Fuck you Gray...." the blonde said glaring daggers at him.

Ryu smirked at her friend and Natsu. Especially at what he said next.

"No... don't f him... please...."

"OMIGOD, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" Ryu went insane with laughter.

"You can always sleep on the floor!" Maggie yelled. "And Ryu, zip it or I'll tell YOUR little secret.." she smirked evilly.

Ryu and Natsu instantly peeped quiet.

Erza sighed. "Well, moving on. We should be nearing Mistle Bridge within half an hour." she explained. 

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