Chapter 2

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Applejack's instincts kicked into high gear. Her hooves dug into the earth as she galloped torawds the forest, and silently prayed to Celestia, hoping her friend would be okay.

It didn't take her long to find a blood covered, cyan pony. Applejack put her ear against her friend's chest, despite the mixture of blood, sweat, and dirt that covered it.

..........thump........... thump.........

Her heart was beating weakly, but it was beating none the less.

She draped her unconsciousness friend across her back and galloped towards civilization. Fluttershy wasn't home, so there was no point in looking around the cottage for medical supplies. That would take to long and right now, time is not a friend of Applejack's.

Luckily, the hospital was only about a half a mile away, which was no challenge for Applejack, especially since pegasi were so light.

Soon, she made it to the hospital. Applejack burst through the double doors head on. She got the attention of everypony in the waiting room.

She layed Rainbow Dash on the floor as careful as possible.

"Please! Somepony! She needs help!" Applejack holwed out.

Nurse Redheart called for two doctors to rush her to the emergency wing. They rolled her away on a gurney.

Applejack could only watch in fear of not knowing if her friend will even live.

"Oh Dash, what have ya gotten yerself into now?"

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