Chapter 1

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Neville's POV

"Has anyone seen my toad, Trevor?" I scanned the train looking for my new pet i had recieved from my gran for christmas last year as a reward for finally showing some sign of being magic.

"I could hear Hermione" - 'this weird freaky girl i had met on the train. I am almost 100% sure she has swallowed a dictionary and all the other books in the world. She drones on and on - "did you know the ceiling in the great hall isn't really the sky its just a really clever spell they do to make it look like the sky; i read that in Hogwarts: A History. Very interesting book Neville. In fact i think i may have got your birthday present sorted. Oh excellent, dont mind me i have just got to jot down that brilliant idea.' - "Oh sorry but have you seen a toad named Trevor, you see my friend Neville has lost it." I could hear another voice. "Bloody Hell! You mean there's a toad loose on this train. "Language please and yes i literally just said that, oh no i am so sorry - "Ronald" - are you, you know a bit deaf because if you are i learnt the spell last weekend of how to free up your ear canal of wax so you find it easier. Three. Two. One. Litri- STOP STOP STOP GET OUT I AM NOT DEAF AND WE HAVE NOT SEEN YOUR STUPID TOAD - "its not mine" - I DONT CARE, DO WE HARRY! "No, no we dont." Well if you really dont want me i shall go. Nice meeting you Harry... "Potter" he replied. Holy Cricket your Harry Potter. "Ummm yeah" well anyways nice meeting you harry potter. Oh and by the way i have just spoken to driver and he says we shall be arriving soon so you'd better get your robes on" And with that she was gone.

A/N sorry for such short paragraph just wanted you to have a bit of background will try to update ASAP xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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