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Next weekend is the competition.  I'm practicing everyday leading up to it. I have just learned a new trick and my coach says it will blow the judges away!

My routines has spins, jumps, a triple axel, footwork, mirror-skating, flying spin, and lots more! I have been working on it almost five months now.

By now you all should realize that I have worked very hard and really want to get into the Olympics and I know I can win a medal and do my country good. I live in a small town it is kinda hard to get costumes, new skates, guards, new helmet and more. I have to  drive three hours to get into a city to get that stuff and we have to drive twenty minutes to get to a gas station. We have to get extra cans when we go so if we run out we're safe.

Skating is really fun to me! It is my passion and my life. I eat, sleep, breathe skating. I spend five hours a day practicing.

Someday I hope I get a rink named after me..

  My dream is to go to the Olympics and win. Then come back home here and help others learn how to skate and maybe they can go to the Olympics just like me!  I want to be their role model.

Now that you know my dream and my passion lets get to the story....

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