Now both Lance and Simon were smirking, but they were smart enough to keep quiet.

"Lance, I called you because I need you here when my step-father arrives. I have an idea of what he is going to say and if you are here, trust me, it will be better."

Lance's face takes on determination, "Of course Damian."

"His royal highness has arrived!" A servant shouts somewhere in the castle, but it echoed all the way here.

Damian sighs, and walks over to his chair. I stand up, trotting over to where he was before taking my place next to him. I again was sprawled out like a dog, but my muscles were all poised and ready to spring if needed. I had a bad feeling about 'his royal highness'. Why am I even protecting Prince Damian?? Oh ya, the plan...

Damian sighs, "Go get my sister, and tell her to bring a guard and maid of her choice."

Lance nods his head, taking the helmet from the desk and putting it on his head, leaving the room.

In less than two minutes Lance was standing behind Damian in a corner of the room like a guard was supposed to. Next to him stood Simon proudly. How did Lance get Simon to be already loyal to him?

Damian's sister, Princess Amanda was right by her brother's left side with Alex and Mia at her sides. I, of course, was at Damian's right side, sitting casually but ready to strike if needed.

Minutes tick by before Damian's step-father finally comes in.

The man standing at the doorway proudly was not what I expected a power-hungry king to look like. This man looked like he was in this late 30's with luscious pitch black hair and sky blue eyes. He smiles, showing his vampire fangs. But his smile was sleazy, and I hated it.

I growl lowly as the man makes his way up to Damian. "Hello sonny."

Damian keeps his cold face on as he replies, "What do you want, Piercy?"

King Piercy sighs, "Damian, you getting to the age of adult hood; however, I believe you should experience mythical academy. It is one of the best schools, and senior year is starting in a week. It will also give you the opportunity to study the neighboring kingdom of Mythical. I have already talked with King Ethan and Queen Kate and they have agreed to take you on."

I begin growling, my scales turning black. The King raises an eyebrow, just noticing me. Damian's hand instantly goes to my head and begins to soothe me by petting me. My growls quiet down though my scales stay black.

Damian calmly answers, "What if I do not want to go? By knowing you, you will probably make me give information on Mythical Kingdom and their weaknesses so you can attack them!"

King Piercy sighs, "Sonny, I promise I will not attack without your permission."

"Ya, that's what you said last time but a month ago you attacked Mythical Kingdom with magic!"

My growls grow louder. So it wasn't Damian's fault of the magic attack, it was Piercy's. I catch the eyes of my cousins and understanding flashes in our eyes.

King Piercy sighs, "Please sonny. It will help you. Your mother wanted you to also, but as you know, she can't see you from the hospital."

I see Damian's jaw clench. That ticks me off. I slowly stand up, my growls getting louder, and take a step forward. King Piercy takes a step back before flashing me his vampire fangs. I snarl, showing him my own vampire fangs. He takes a step back again.

There was a long pause for a bit, and the silence was only being drone out by my warning growl.

Damian speaks first, "Fine. We, meaning the people in this room, will go first thing tomorrow."

King Piercy's eyes get a spark to them.

"But... Marcus will be the one watching the kingdom for me until I get back. You can help rule half of the kingdom, but no major decisions are to be made by you."

King Piercy's eyes get a hateful shine to them but he smiles a fake smile, "Of course my prince."

Damian tenses.

The King then backs away from slamming the doors shut. Everyone releases a breath that they didn't know they were holding.

"Well..." sighs Lance, "That went well...."

Damian purses his lips, "We are leaving now, knowing Piercy he has something planned for us so let's leave before he can set it in action. I have already had the maids pack everything for all of you and I have already told Marcus of his new position. I have also already contacted Prince Ethan and Queen Kate telling them of our arrival and of all your arrivals. They have offered their castle that they share with their pack to stay in. Though be careful, they are currently still looking for the disappearance of three of their children and may be grieving."

I look towards the Prince. I was impressed. Though quickly, excitement took me. I realize I will see my parents again! Maybe I can ask them if they can remove that tattoo that claimed me as the Prince's! And they were worried about us!! I hope my kidnapping didn't scare them too much... Oh how I want to hug them!!

Everyone shares a look quickly before Lance, Amanda, Mia, Simon, and Alex explode with whoops and cheers. Amanda and Mia start dancing around the room singing, "We are going to mythicalll accadddemyyyy. We are going to mythicaalllll aaaccadddeemyyy!"

Lance pumps his fist in the air, while Simon and Alex start yipping with excitement. My own face breaks into a smile and I also yip out in happiness.

Damian sighs though a smile still crept onto his face, "Alright. Alright. Calm down. It's time to go."

Everyone happily follows out Prince Damian out of the castle were a sleek limo was waiting. Alex and Simon quickly transform back into human and were given clothing. It turns out the guards didn't have clothing for me so I would have to stay dragon until I got home. Yet, Damian doesn't know it's my home.... I shrug the thought off as we all pile in.

Lance, Mia, Princess Amanda, Simon, and Alex were all in the huge back seat, chattering excitedly. The limo was dark with tan leather seats, a mini bar, and glowing lights everywhere.

Prince Damian sat casually more to the front, looking at his little group of 'people' that were coming with him to Mythical Academy.

I whine out, and walk over to Damian. I tilt my head, looking at him before looking at the large open space next to him on his seat.

Damian rolls his eyes and chuckles, "Fine, you can sit here. Though I would rather you sit on the floor like a real pet."

My eyes narrow and I playfully nip his hand. He laughs lightly, running his other hand through his gorgeous black hair, as if stressed.

I want to touch that hair. Wait what?

I lay down on the seat next to him. I place my head in his lap and he tenses at the surprised contact. I mentally smirk at causing him to tense.

He relaxes quickly and begins to chuckle. His hand goes to my head and starts to pet my smooth scales. My scales go from being black colored to white. His hand scratches behind my horns and I feel a purr vibrate from my chest. I lift my head up in surprise and shock at that sound that I just made.

Damian laughs again, looking at me. I put my head back in his lap and he again begins to pet me and scratch behind my horns. I purr again, this time not minding it. We fall into silent contempt. The back of the limo was filled with the excited voices of my new aquatints, they not noticing the interesting position Damian and I were in.

I wasn't sure what he was thinking about as he pet me and was zoned off, but I was seriously questioning my motives of allowing myself to be his 'pet'..... Well, going to school will be fun, especially since I have made sure to avoid it for the last three years.

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