802 14 4

My alarm goes off once again waking me up for my eighth day of work with Dylan. I slowly walk over to my door and open it.

"DYLAN TIME TO GET UP!" I yell out across our hallway. 

"HEY WERE GOING TO VIRGINIA WHERE THE MAZE IS FOR ABOUT 3 WEEKS SO PACK A FEW OUTFITS FOR WORK!" He yells out threw the hallway. I get four outfits (above) and a couple dresses and shoes then I get 2 pairs of sweat pants, one reebok shorts and some random tees for nighttime. I pulled out  the fourth outfit which was a button up striped shirt, a pink pair of skinny jeans, and pink uggs. I walked into my bathroom and washed off my face, then pulling my hair into a side braid. I change into my outfit and put my dirty clothes in the hamper. I grab my phone charger, laptop and its charger, deodorant and perfume and put them in my suitcase. I walked out to be greeted by our dog Sammy.  Aww shit

"Dylan we have to leave now or else we will be late!" I yell grabbing a water and banana.

"Why we have plenty of- oh." He says as his eyes travel down to our German Shepard.

"Where are we gonna take him?" I say putting his leash on.

"Well I guess we're bringing him to Virginia." He said grabbing a yogurt and the keys. We go out to our car put our bags and suitcases in the trunk while we put Sammy in the back. We drove until we met Wes at set.

"Hey lovelies lets go." Wes says as he leads us to a tour bus like thing. We get on and their is a small kitchen area a couch with an Xbox one and a big tv then in the back there is 8 beds.

"Stephanie would you mind sharing a bed the girl who was playing Sandra was already in Virginia so we kinda didn't plan on having 9 beds." He explained.

"It's fine I can deal with the couch." I say giving a polite smile.

"There is no way in bloody hell your sleeping on the couch." Kaya chuckles. "We can sleep head to feet." She says giving me a warm smile. I thank her and put my suitcase under the bed.

"Oh umm Wes quick question could we-"

"What in the BLOODY HELL?!" Thomas yells as he was tackled to the ground by Sammy.

"Sammy David O'brian get your but off of Thomas!" I yell. Sammy turns to me but just goes back to growling at Thomas.

"Oh my gosh." I walk up to Sammy and pull him off of Thomas. I hold my hand out for Thomas and pull him up.

"I'm guessing that guard pup is yours?" Thomas laughs.

"Yup.... about our guard pup Wes could he come with us we don't have anywhere to take him and I promise that I won't let him attack anyone." I say with pleading eyes.

"Yes he can stay he could help guard from snakes and other things when we're in set recording." He says patting his head. All of us unpack and get settled in before all the boys start playing Fifa. We drive for about 2 hours until we stop in front of a hotel.

"Hey wanna go get something to eat?" Kaya says as soon as I finish putting my stuff away.

"Yea sure." I smile grabbing my phone and purse. "We're leaving to grab some food anyone wanna come?" I say and Dylan and Thomas instantly stand up. We walk a few blocks until we are outside a pizza parlor. We walk in and I see my best friend in the whole world.

"Ally!" I yell and run over to her. We immediately hug and start talking about the usual best friend things. We all sit down at a booth Dylan, Me and Thomas on one side and Kaya and Ally on the other. We order our pizza and just start to catch up.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" I squeal.

"I came to see you for your movie, I wanna be supportive!" Ally says practically jumping out of her seat. We talk for about an hour until I see Ally whisper something to Kaya and her instantly smirk.

"I know right, Dylan said the same thing just completely against it" Kaya says laughing.

"What?" Dylan says looking like a confused puppy.

"Who would be cutest couple on our set is who genius." Kaya chuckles.

"Kaya-" Dylan was saying

"It's obviously you and Dylan Kaya." I smile. They both start laughing quite forcefully.

"Steph your so slow." Thomas laughs at me I turn to face him and then realize.

"YOUR DATING?!" I squeal out. As soon as I do the waiter comes up and hands me the check.

"Oh no your not." Thomas says as he tries to take the thing from my hands.

"You can get it next time plus our dog tackled you." I laugh when I open the check book a piece of paper fell out.

Hey call me sometime ***-***-****

I look up and see that our waiter was Jack Johnson! (In this story let's pretend that Jack Johnson and Gilinsky are 24 and that they live in Virginia K?) I instantly smile and put the money and tip in the folder as we leave. We continue to walk down the street looking at little shops as we walk back to the bus. We finally reach where we were and get on. Legit as soon as we get on Wes started driving again I guess so we could get to the glade set. We drive for about an hour until decide to text Jack.

3:59 pm To Jack😜: Hey it's Steph 😘

4:00 pm From Jack😜: Hey I started to think that one of your friends got the note and not you 😂.

4:03 pm To Jack😜: Nope 😅😳

4:04 pm From Jack😜: Wanna hang out tomorrow?

4:06 pm To Jack😜: Sure maybe after work I can't bail 😅🔫

4:06 pm From Jack😜: Can't wait 😎😏

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in so long and that this chapter is pretty shitty our teachers think we have nothing to do when we get home so give us a 5 page essay to make up for lost time like wtf?! But this needed to happen to start something off but anyways love ya


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