Chapter 1 The Offer

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I walked around my house, the same house One Direction had been. The same one I would never let go. The house so much had happened in. The place I found out my dad died, the place Niall had cried over my rape. The place my favorite most beloved dog I ever had died after giving birth to puppies. Which now ran around everywhere I the house. And they were pretty much little Pups. Hyper, sweet, sometimes annoying. They're my babies. I'm pretty much think ill probably never get married.

I cooked the bacon the pan. I finished and laid it on my plate. Little pups sat at my feet begging for scraps, just like Pup did. I had no names for them so they are all just pups to me.

No one had visited me for a couple weeks. Sydney and Harry dates after I left Niall and then they broke up. Kaleigh and Zayn were pretty much over from 2 months in. Louis and Eleanor are still together and I still talk to her. She says Niall isn't the same hungry Irish boy. Danielle and Liam are still together with Loki. Kyla is still my best friend. My sister. But she has been at graduation parties so I hardly see her. Travis is in jail. I have a restraining order against him. Mom was in Hawaii.

So I was alone. In the middle of Nebraska. In the middle of no where in the hills. And I am only 19.

I heard an unfamiliar knock on the door. No press had been here in a long time so I doubted they'd appear just like that. I walked across the cold wood floor that was cold because of the ac in the house. It is summer time. DAH.

I walk to the door with had light streaming on it from the east window. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it to find a guy a lot taller than me with Ray Bans on and a white t-shit on which you could see his abs through. He was wearing jeans that fit him perfectly. His hair was brown and short quiff.

"Uh-" I was trying to focus on talking than actually him, "Can I help you?"

"Yea actually you can babe." He took off his sunglasses to reveal beautiful brown eyes.

"I am Skylar Astin." Where had I heard that name?

"Wreck It Ralph Skylar Astin?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yup. Can I come in?" He pointed inside so I just nodded. He stepped in me moving to the side. He smelled really good like AXE or something. The 3 pups started running to him their black little ears flopping on the way. I just couldn't get over how cute their stubby legs are. They're all Austrailian Shepard.

"These are the cutest dogs I've ever seen!" He knelt down and picked up on of the girls. I thought it was the cutest thing.

Oh my God Autti. You've hardly said anything. Say something! Damn he's hot. Get it together.

"Would you like some bacon?" I blurted. Oh lord.

"No thanks. I came here to talk to you." He smiled and set the puppy down and turned to me.

"When you were on tour with One Direction you sang right?" He asked the question that made me feel odd that I even did that's stupid stuff.

"Uh yea. But I don't really do that type of thing anymore." I put a piece of brown curly hair behind my ear and look down at the floor.

"Well I think that you are an amazing singer so I have an offer for you. We want you to come do a movie. PItch Perfect. I'll be in it as well." He put his hand to his chest.

"Uh. So its about singing?" I asked curious. This offer was very sudden and I didn't even think I was good. 

"Yea. So what do you say?"  He was smiling by now, just us standing in the middle of the room.


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