What has become of you

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" Well my friends. As you know my brother was sent back to Asgard to serve his punished for the crimes he had committed. The punishment has been carried out now. Well most of it"...

Thor had paused  at this point. As he tried to regain, voice the volume of speech had began to descend. His posture seen to have diminished as his back was hunched over. He was attempting to not make eye contact with anyone. However, that deemed to make it all the worse as he could still feel the sharp stare of everyone's eyes on him.

After the silence  seemed to much for Thor to handle he started to continue were he had left of.

"A part of his punishment was that he was to remain on earth for several centuries", the sentence was but a whisper and it was hard to make out for the members what exactly they had been told by him. However, faces of disbelief and horror spread rapidly across the team.

Thor seemed to have been prepared for this sort of reaction.

"I know it may come as surprise to many of you but if I were to voice my opnion on this subject I would say Loki is a changed man now. He has realised were he has gone wrong now. However". Thor cleared his throat and composed himself as anyone could have seen that the man was dreading to tell them even more surprising news. "As he has finished his sentencing he is by law to be treated as a normal person. He is a free man now so he cannot be promoted as soon as he enters earth to be wrong into a cell again. Because of this..."

As Thor was about to provide more information a voice sounded at the Corner of the room.

"I'm sorry did I not hear you right?", Clint spat the sentence out of his mouth like. " The same Loki that mind-controlled me and forced me to do his bidding is coming here! The same scum that caused the destruction of a city.  As well as killing atleast a hundred people. That same guy is expected to be here!?".

Everyone had given their gaze to Clint who's face had turned a shade of red. His veins bulging. He gritted his teeth as he got out of his seat and edged his way towards Thor. His glare bore daggers onto Thor and the once proud Prince seemed to grow smaller under the archers stare.

No one has anything to say. They knew that Clint had a point but they would not have reacted in such a way.
" First you bringing a that "thing" here is bad enough. I'm not sure what exactly you do up in your little fantasy world but on earth Loki is and should be treated like what rightfully is a criminal. Why exactly should we do anything you say. It's not like getting rid of one scum will affect anyone else' life".

Thor seemed a bit taken back by this. He was making eye  contact with Clint now. However,  what seemed to have been a announcement mere moments ago seemed to have been turned into stare of between two heroes. This could have potentially split the team up if This hadn't realised this and step a few paces back to calm himself.

"Yes" was the only thing that could escape from Thor's mouth. He couldn't return the glare, as he didn't want to cause more tension between the two, so he processed to stare at the floor instead.

The two stood there for what seemed like an eternity until a certain Red head had broken the deathly silence.

"Clint before you say more that you will regret later let Thor finish what he was saying. Now Thor when exactly will your brother arrive and why exactly does his arrival have anything to do with us"? Natasha always seemed to remain calm in these situations.

Clint made sure to have given one more glare at Thor before he was escorted back to his seat by the Black Widow.

" My father has known of your existence for quite a while now. He had believed that Loki may be given permission to take refuge her until further notice", Thor said as he started to regain his posture. "

" And when does he get here?", Steve blurted out. Thor sighed.

" In Two days".

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