Chapter 1: Hunter X Hunter X Exam?

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"Mika-chan! Hurry up, or else I am gonna leave you behind!" Katalina yelled as she ran as fast as she could to get away from the police.

"I thought you were a professional theif! How did you let us get caught by the police?" Mika panted as she tried to keep up with Katalina.

"Well it was your fault for pressing the red button next to the safe!" Katalina said as she hit Mika in the back of the head for ruining her perfect heist.

"Well, it was tempting!" Mika argued as they kept running through the busy streets of Yorknew. "So big and red... Who wouldn't press it?"

Katalina looked ready to kill her. "The button was made as a direct line to the popo, moron!" She shouted at Mika.

Mika arguded back, "Well, how was I supposed to know that?" Katalina face palmed, but didn't otherwise respond.

They kept running until they saw an out-of-the-way abandoned alley that would make a great hiding place. Katalina immediately turned as if going to hide in there, but suddenly jumped across the street into another alley. The police were pretty slow on the uptake and figured she went into the dark alley as opposed to the one full of people. Mika almost ran into the dark alley herself before Katalina grabbed her arm and dragged her into the crowded alley.

"Hey! Why are we in a huge crowd? Won't we get caught easier here?" Mika wondered.

"Baka! The first place they look is the dark alleys, here we can just get lost in the crowd." Katalina said as she gestured to the large group of people surrounding them.

"Hey, why are there so many people around this area anyways?" Mika asked.

"Don't know. Don't care. They make an excellent cover-up." Katalina said as she walked around and started to pick pocket random pedestrians.

"Well I'm curious!" Mika said as she went up to random man with a very ugly scar running from the top of his left eyebrow across his nose to the right side of his jaw.

"Hey, mister! Why are you guys crowded around in a secluded area like this?" Mika asked as she looked up at the guy.

"Out of my way little girl. I'm at the first step to my new life as a hunter and I don't need a nuisance like you to slow me down," he said as he pushed Mika out of his way.

'Oh no he didn't,' Katalina thought as her friend fell.

"Old man, how dare you touch my friend? I think you need to be taught a lesson on manners," Katalina threatened as she stepped closer to the scar faced man.

The man was just about to reply, but he caught her expression. It was such a terrifying glare with such unusually cold violet eyes that all thought escaped his mind except to get away from this girl.

He turned around and just as he was about to leave, "Wait!" Katalina said as he went up to the man.

"I'll take that." She said as she took his wallet, grabbed Mika, and ran off. "Consider it a lesson learned!" She shouted as the girls ran off.

He didn't understand what was happening at first, so he didn't try to chase after them immediately. By the time he set off to look for his wallet, the girls were nowhere to be seen.

"Hahahaha did you see the look on that guy's face?!" Mika laughed as she got out of Katalina's hold.

"Ya, it's all fun and games until someone hurts my MIka-chan. You should be more careful about who you talk to!" Katalina warned.

"Wakata, wakata," Mika absently brushed off her concerns as she glanced through the guy's wallet. "Ne, Katalina, what's this?" she questioned, holding up a piece of paper with a weird double X logo on it.

Females X In The X Exam? [Hunter X Hunter Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now