Part 1

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Author's Note: This is my first attempt at a one-shot at the request of a friend, so I hope it isn't too bad. This is all I have written so far. Enjoy. Also, ~*~*~ signals another scene or a time lapse.


The rain was pelting her face, stinging the small cuts on her body. She ran faster, trying desperately to get away from those who were chasing her. Mixing with the rain was her tears, which increased as she once again tripped over a tree root. Loud footsteps were heard as they came closer to her at an alarming speed.

Being resilient as always, she got back up and started running again with her head down. Suddenly, she saw a quick shadow move out of the corner of her eye. Dismissing it as her over-active imagination, she continued running even while her legs protested and her lungs burned; that is, until a huge figure steeped out in front of her, causing her to roughly collide with the huge chest of the man.

All of the air escaped from her chest and she would have fallen backwards if not for the man’s arms catching her. She looked up at the mysterious man, but could not see any of his features clearly. Numbly, she sensed them being surrounded, which triggered her adrenaline again. She struggled to get away from the man, fearing he was with her pursuers, but was too weak to get out of his restraining hold.

The man looked over her head at the men who were chasing her. He growled slightly and pushed the pathetic girl out of his way before taking a step towards the men. He silently cut a glare towards the girl and then took a sword out of its sheath. He gave no warning to the men before he attacked mercilessly.

Within seconds all of the men were on the ground either dead or dying and the man looked back upon the pathetic girl with a look of supreme hatred. Instead of walking away like he wanted to, he knocked her unconscious and picked her up to start the journey back to the nearest village.


The girl woke up with a jolt, and when she saw a shadow looming over her, she lashed out in anger. Instead of doing any damage as she had intended, though, she only angered the man from before.

As her attempts to injure him intensified, he simply straddled her hips and held her hands above her head. His face was mere inches from hers, and she started to feel a strange sensation she couldn’t identify happening inside her body. Her attempts to get free ceased as the sensation came to the forefront of her mind.

The man growled lightly and tightened his grips on her wrists, but not enough to hurt her. “What is your name?” He asked as a wave of curiosity swept over him.

“Nozomi. What’s yours?” Nozomi asked innocently.

He was surprised and oddly disappointed that she didn’t know his name, and for some reason he couldn’t comprehend, he wanted to tell her. Against his better judgment, he answered her question. “My name is Sesshomaru.” He said lightly, his breath slightly tickling Nozomi’s face.

Abruptly, Sesshomaru got off of her as they heard a loud crash in the distance. He looked out the window for a few moments with a calm, unreadable expression. “We must be going.” He stated curtly and started for the door of the little hut they were in.

“Where? Why?”

“You will see.”

“No, I won’t see. I thank you for coming to my aid, but I no longer need, not that I ever needed, your help. So, good bye.” Nozomi got up, fully intending to march out of the hut with her head held high, but as soon as she put her full weight onto her legs, she started to fall and her vision dimmed.

Sesshomaru shook his head in disappointment at her weakness before stooping her up in his arms. “I don’t think you have much of a choice, girl, so shut your disrespectful mouth or I will do it for you.” He sneered dangerously.

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