Image #2

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Y/N means your name, E/N means your enemy's name, C/E/C means crush's eye color and C/N means your crush's name. Enjoy!




You walk slowly to the auditorium, dreading the two hours of doing nothing. You had tried out for a part in a play but sadly you were the under study for the main role so you usually had to work the lights. What is even worst is that your crush has the leading male role. Great? You would think so but your enemy E/N has the leading female role...the play requires they kiss. So ever since rehearsals started C/N and E/N would kiss and it broke your heart but you wouldn't cry, not until you got home that is.

When you got to the auditorium you were the first one there and decided to listen to music until everyone showed up. Currently you were lying down on the stage listening to music with your eyes closed and slightly humming along. You feel a gush of wind on your face and you opened your eyes to met with C/E/C. You weren't fazed and simply stared at his eyes, almost memorized by how beautiful they were. He look out your earbuds and started talking.

"Hey Y/N, you're early," he says and you shrug. Honestly you were quite depressed, seeing him and acting so normal even though it was killing you inside. "Oh well, E/N isn't here today. Do you know what that means?" Your eyes widened, you would have to play her part and kiss your crush, more than once.

"Uh, are you sure? I mean, we could skip it if you want?" You ask nervously. Even though you had the urge to kiss him everyday, you didn't want him to feel like he was obligated to.

"No," he says simply and helps you up. You were about to protest but the rest of the crew had shown up.

45 minutes in~~~

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE! I LOVE YOU!" C/N yells spinning you around and brings you close. You guys were really into the play and had gotten all your lines right, even the teacher didn't stop you for advice. You actually felt really proud for going through the whole play without stopping, even E/N couldn't do that.

"LIES! I SAW YOU WITH THAT OTHER WOMAN YESTERDAY!" You scream right back, trying to get out of his grip.

"If I can't talk you out of it then I'll have to show you!" He says and roughly kisses you. You slowly melted in his arms and felt your knees buckle but C/N kept you steady with his strong arms. Your mind was completely floating in a sea of wonder until you suddenly realized your kiss wasn't suppose to last this long. You were about to pull away when he tightened his grip and moaned a little. Your eyes went wide and looked to the teachers for help(not that you wanted to stop) but because it was embarrassing. Instead of them being angry their eyes were wide and they had their mouths open.

Finally when you guys couldn't breath anymore, he pulled away and stared into your eyes as he panted. "Do you believe me?" he asks. You nod and kiss him once more. The lights go off and everyone clasps. You pull away and let your foreheads touch as you stared into each other eyes until the cast comes to tell you how great you did.

"You both did amazing!" the teacher exclaims clapping his hands then slowly stopped as his face fell. "But I'm afraid E/N is still the main female character," he says disappointed. Everyone stops and bow their heads.

"Its fine, it was really fun though. I should get going," You say and make your way out of the school.

Day of Competition~

It's been two weeks since then and today was your competition. You were getting ready back-stage when C/N came running toward you.

"Y/N! Guess what?!" he exclaims taking your hands into his.


"E/N doesn't want to do the play anymore! You can have her role!" He says and hugs you tightly.

"That's great and all but...why?" You ask completely confused, E/N seemed fine when you saw her.

"Uh well you see I might have said you were better than her in more things than one. Then she got mad and quit," he says avoiding eye contact.

"What kind of things?"

"You know, the usual. Acting, being nice, being considerate and sweet....kissing," he mutters the last part and you didn't catch what he said but he quickly dismisses it and takes you to get ready. Right as you were about to go on stage, C/N grasps your hand.

"Y/N before you go out there I have to tell you something. This is hard to say face to face but..ever since I met you my heart would beat up whenever I saw you smile and I would always think about how I could make you that happy if I was your Y/N would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asks.

You stare at him before pulling him in a bone crushing hug. "YES YES YES!" You chant over and over again until you calmed down a bit, not a lot though. Suddenly you are pushed on stage and did the play beautifully. In the end, you won the competition and also got a new boyfriend.


Author's Note: So here it is. Hope you enjoy, like, and comment. Thanks for reading, have a nice day or goodnight. ~AmberMarie678.

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