Unexpected chapter 2

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So we packed Clara and Julianne's luggage into the Jeep ( which was now working), said our goodbyes and Scott and I were off towards his house in my car. During the ride, there were almost no words exchanged and there was an uneasy feel, even with the music. But when we got to his house, he showed me around.

"Ok so you'll be sleeping in here and I'll just go and sleep on the couch," Scott said once we got to his room.

"Oh no you don't have to do that! I can sleep on the couch. I mean I don't want you to feel like you have to," I quickly said, not wanting to fully intrude.

"Spencer, it's just a bed, not my first born," he answered in a sarcastic tone.

Now here I am, wondering how Clara and Julianne are going. Right now that's all I can think about, are my friends all right?

Hang on I can hear something, it sounds like that other boy uhhhhh...Stiles! Yeah, that's his name! He's saying something about what they're going to do with us, if their parents don't let us stay. So far it sounds like they have no idea. Maybe if I get a little bit closer I can hear that tiny bit more.

"Maybe they can stay with Derek." Stiles suggests.

"Have you forgotten... WE DON'T KNOW WHERE DEREK IS?!"Scott whisper shouts when he gets to the last part.

WHO THE HELL IS DEREK?! Now they have moved their conversation into the kitchen and I think it's time to go get a drink. Down the stairs I go and walk into the kitchen. Now that I've walked in they change the subject, and very awkwardly as well.

"Hey Scott, I'm going to go to bed now, so goodnight and goodnight to you as well, Stiles."

"Night, oh and since you didn't get your stuff out the car, you can borrow one of my shirts if you like." Scott says.

"Night." Adds Stiles.

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