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"Do you consider yourself as famous, Troye?" My manager, Emma asked while she was going through some papers.
"No not really.. I don't do this for the fame, Em.. I do this because I love creating content that make my fans happy and I don't know.." I sighed and stared at Emma.
"So to just answer your question.. Nope" I replied and she nodded smiling widely.
"Proud of you, Tro.." She brought her attention to the papers.
"Next!" She said and I tilted my head to see the next person.

We were doing auditions for my music video well music videos since there were going to be 3 and it's called 'Blue Neighbourhood Trilogy'

"He's cute.." I whispered looking at the guy that was walking with his head down.
"I'm Connor.. Connor Franta.." Connor looked at me and I smiled widely.

I like him

"So Connah what do you do?" I asked and he looked down at his shoes.
"I'm ummmm a photographer.. not like a really famous one you'll know.." He replied shyly and I nodded my head.
"Aaah I see a cute lil photographer we've got here.." Saying that earned me a death glare from Emma.
"Just making sure, Connah.. Did you read the whole thing?" Emma asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah and I'm totally okay with it.. I mean.." He said sounding as he had made a fool of himself.

Fuck, he's so cute

"Huh?" Emma tilted her head and I looked at her wide eyed.
"Did I.." I looked at Emma and she nodded.
"Shit.. Did he hear?" I whispered to Emma and she giggled.
"But he is cute so shut up, Emma.." I rolled my eyes and turned back my attention to Connor.
"Are you okay with kissing Troye?" Emma asked and Connor gulped.
"Y-yeah.." He stuttered and looked at me nervously.

He is perfect for this

He is perfect for me

"I like this guy, Em.." I whispered and she turned her attention to me.
"I mean for the video obviously.." I said sounding not so sure about that.
"Hmmm I like him too.. We'll see.." She replied and handed me Connor's papers.

Connor Franta
Age: 23

"Connah.. Franta.." I said to myself and smiled widely.
"Well Connah.. We'll give you a call but you are perfect for this.. Just get ready because this is going to be wild.. Ouw!" I felt Emma punching my arm softly as those words left my mouth.
"See you, Troye oh and forgot to mention.. I really love your music.. So so proud of you and this new EP and album stuff coming together.." Connor replied sounding sincere.
"Thank you, Connah.. I'll check your stuff too.. Doesn't seem like you are a bad photographer at all.." I winked at Connor and Emma punched my arm again.
"See you soon.. Hopefully.." Connor started walking away.
"Ahh I'll make sure I see you again.." I mumbled and sighed contently.

* * *

"What was that, Troye?" Emma asked taking a sip of her coffee.
"What? What was what?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.
"Oh, don't play dumb on me.. What was that 'Ahh I'll make sure I see you again' thing.." Emma replied sounding serious.
"Emma it was just a saying.. Like I hope I see him soon.." I looked down and played with my fingers.
"Oh bullshit.. You like him? Don't you?" She asked and I almost choked on my coffee.
"W-w-hat?" I asked coughing and she rolled her eyes.
"Troye! You need to take this serious.. You can't fall in love or even have a tiny crush on that guy.. Got it?" She said sounding 1000x serious.
"Why are you saying this?" I asked confused about my managers behavior.
"Tro.. I know you.. I know how you get when you like someone.. You want to see him again because that guy caught your eye.. You could have seen your face when you first saw him.. I don't want you to fall in love and the whole New Years 2013 thing happening again.. I want you see him as an actor.." She gathered all her stuff and gave me a tight hug.
"See you, boy.. We'll talk tomorrow alright?" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me in the coffee shop with so many questions not answered.

* * *

"TY!" I saw my best friends face appearing on Skype.
"Troye! What's up? How's it going, you diva?" He replied and I rolled my eyes.
"It's being good it's being great! Oh my god Ty so we are doing auditions for the Blue Neighbourhood trilogy and then this cute guy well hot well handsome well perfect well.." I was interrupted by Tyler.
"Okay hot guy that you will have a heavy make out session with? Got it.. What happened?" He interrupted me and I rolled my eyes.
"Well.. I don't know.. He's.." I was interrupted by Tyler again.
"Well let me look him up on Instagram!" Tyler grabbed his phone and was ready to type his name.
"Connah Franta.." I rolled my eyes and saw Tyler typing his name.
"Connor.. Franta.." He said and his mouth was open.

Oh here it comes

"OH MY GOD DADDY!" He squealed.
"TROYE IF THIS IS THE GUY YOU ARE GOING TO FUCK THEN FUCK YES!" He said and I rolled my eyes again.
"Ty.. You don't get.." I was interrupted by Tyler saying 'daddy' again.
"UGH FUCK OFF!" I groaned and muted Tyler.


@ConnorFranta: @troyesivan you are cute too, troye boy 😉

He is driving me wild

@tyleroakley: @ConnorFranta @troyesivan hey 😉

And he is going to drive me wild too

Blue Neighbourhood // Tronnor AUWhere stories live. Discover now