"Sorry to disappoint." He watched her stare in amazement at his large bedroom. But she was right, he would actually have preferred a "micro sized bedroom."

Ace stopped her slow walk of inspection and looked at his overly cluttered bookshelf. "'Le Morte D'arthur'? I didn't peg you for the Arthurian romance type." She peered up across the room from him, her beautiful ice blue eyes boring into his.

"Do you know why my brother's and mine's names are Gavin and Gareth?"

"Because they liked alliteration or 'Labyrinth' and just didn't want anyone to know..." she offered jokingly.

"No," he laughed. "Gavin is derived from the name Gawain. As in the knight of the round table. And Gareth was his brother a fellow knight of king Arthur's court. They love, and I mean love Arthurian legends."

She smiled and slowly walked towards him. "Well then, sir knight, what exactly am I going to do while you slee-"

"Can you tell me where Mrs. Lee's class is?" Dakota asked breaking him away from his thoughts.

"Yeah, I actually have that class next. Can I see your schedule?"

Dakota handed him the sheet of white paper, and Ace materialized next to him before he knew it. And by materialize, he meant it. She was on the other side of the classroom, and then poof she's next to him.

Gareth glanced at her trying not to seem obvious that he was looking at something that was clearly not there. She just blinked, kinda blanked out, but then she came to and realized what just happened. "Holy shit! Did you see that?" He just nodded pretending that it was for Dakota's schedule. "All I did was think 'huh what's going on over there? I wanna see.' And here I am! Oh, I could soo get used to this!"

"We have english, art and lunch together. Do you want to sit with me and my friends?" Gareth inquired, ignoring Ace's revelation.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks!" And with that he led him into the sea of hormonal teens.

"Y'know, it's actually my friends and me. You always put yourself last." Ace said a matter of factly as if she were an English teacher herself. He gave her a passing glare and continued his trek down the hall.

"Hey G2! Where's G1?" A guy's voice called out as they reached the english classroom. It must have been one of Gavin's friends, as they were the only ones who called him by that idiotic name. Gareth shrugged in response while Dakota gave him a puzzling look. He returned an "I'll explain later" look and proceeded to his seat with him following behind.

"This is Dakota," Gareth introduced the new guy to his friends. "It's his first day here." They all waved at each other and introduced themselves.

"Oh my god, guys! Have you heard what people have been saying about Ace?" McKenna Christie stressed as she walked in the door. "Oh... Hi there. I'm McKenna." She sat down next to Dakota, and in front of Gareth.

McKenna was the school's informant. If someone broke up, the entire school knew about it within an hour. She knew something secret about everybody in this town. And that wasn't an exaggeration. She also knew Gareth's. She was the only person outside of his family to.

"Anyway, there are the most ridiculous rumors about her. Like, I've heard that she was hit by a drunk driver, that she was texting, that someone else was texting, oh! Even that it was an ordered hit by the CIA. But, come on, if there was an ordered hit, it would so be from a secret organization." McKenna commented as if it were no big deal.

"Hahahaha! God, I love 'Kenna. She cracks me up like for real. Hahahaha!" Ace died laughing.

He glanced up at her with a half smile, and noticed McKenna following his gaze with a knowing look. She grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something on it on Gareth's desk.

She turned the paper towards him, 'Visitor?'

He just nodded, and she wrote something else. 'Anyone we know?'

"She knows? Why didn't she tell me? She tells me everything! We're practically family!" Ace exclaimed in his ear, making him jump slightly.

McKenna went wide eyed, 'Who?'

He mouthed Acacia's nickname and her eyes grew even wider.

"H-" she started, catching herself not thinking about what people would say if they heard them. 'How is that possible? She's not dead!'

He decided to respond on paper seeing as how this would be an weird conversion to overhear. 'I don't know, I was at the hospital visiting and there she was. And now, she won't leave me alone.' He turned the paper towards Ace, so that she could read it. When she did, she sneered at him and crossed her arms.

"Hi Gavin." He heard a girl say flirtatiously at his twin brother as he walked through the threshold and to his seat.

"Oh. Hey Stacey." He smiled right back at her, clueless as ever to her painfully obvious flirting.

"Uhhh... Gareth?" Dakota trailed off pointing between Gavin and him.

"Twins." McKenna smiled, "you'll get used to it."

"Now everybody sit down. The bell has rung." Our English teacher, Mrs. Lee, began, "by now, you all must know about Acacia. So how about you all start to make some cards for her, for when she wakes up."

"This is going to be fun." I heard Ace mutter as she crossed her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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