The Cafe Talk

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It's the next day,  Abby-Lynn is up. The rest is still sleeping.  She goes to take a shower she comes out and gets dress in a pretty floral minidress with white Converse.  

Abby says, "There are still sleeping."

Abby-Lynn heads out to go meet Mark. Abby-Lynn  then texts, "Hey, this is Abby-Lynn I am waiting for you at Georgia's Cáfe." 

Mark:" Okay be there in an half an hour."

Abby-Lynn:" Okay see u then."

As Abby-Lynn is sits  down waiting Aaliyah calls "Hey Abby where are you?" in a sleepy tone.  

Abby:" No where"

Aaliyah anxiously: " SERIOUSLY, where are you?" 

Abby with an attitude: " Leave me alone."

Mark comes into the cafe. He tries looking for Abby-Lynn. She is way in the back at at a table near the window. Mark walks over with pride. But inside Mark's heart is beating fast. His palms are sweating. He goes near Abby-Lynn's table. Abby-Lynn is on her phone, she looks up and asks," Yes, can I help you?", not realizing that it was Mark.

Mark:" It's me Mark from math class."

Abby with a more calm attitude :"Ohhhh!!!!!"

Mark sits down and says," So the reason I wanted to talk to you is ....." his voice trailing off.

Abby insisted:" Continue." 

Mark then mans up and says," I wanted to talk to  you because I like you."

Abby-Lynn's eye widen up in shock," Okay!?!?!?, What do you like about me?"

Mark nervously:" I like the way you smile, your hair, your looks, or should i say everything. I would also want to know if I could go out with you?"

"Okay,Okay,Okay, I don't know you like that. Maybe if I hang out with you more then I can go uot with you." Abby-Lynn says with so much surprise. Abby-Lynn and Mark then got up shaked hands, although Mark wanted to give her a hug. They leave the cafe and go in different directions. Abby calls Stephanie. Stephanie asks,"Hey, where did you go early this morning?"

Abby-Lynn:"Like I said to Aaliyah, No where and leave me alone."

Stephanie:"I knew you for 3 years, why can't you tell me."

Abby snaps:"Because it is PERSONAL."

Stephanie sighs," Okay GOOD BYE!!?!!??!!??"

Afterwards Abby texts Mark," Hey, what time do u want 2 meet again?"

Mark:"How about Wednesday at 4."

Abby:"Okay, let's meet back at the cafe and we will walk to where i want 2 go."

Mark:"Sure thing Abbs."

Abby:" Don't call me that until I am ready 2 talk 2 u like that."

Mark:"Ok, Sorry."

Abby:"Ok, Bye!"

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