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Jamie stared angrily at her nail. She knew she shouldn't have helped Selma closing that stupid necklace. "It's from my husband..." she had said. Jamie just couldn't resist helping her. Selma was cute and nice. But now Jamie's nail had broken and she was pissed as hell. This was supposed to be HER day. The day she had been dreaming about for days now... No, she wasn't talking about the day of marriage. Actually she was far away from that day. Which was mostly because she was only 18 but also because she didn't have  a boyfriend. At least If you didn't count her fake-boyfriend Jake Leachman, another famous actor, that her management had given her to stop the rumors about her and the lead singer of some punk band. Actually Jamie had never met the guy before, making the rumors completely false but they had stayed at the same hotel once without them noticing each other. Quite funny if you thought about it... Anyway today was her big day: Her management had gotten her an interview on Ellen. And not only that: Frank, her manager, had actually promised her that she didn't have to play the good girl for this one. No more girly   behaviour on television or in any kind of media. She was going to be completely herself.

When she saw the outfit they had given her she almost thought that Frank was going to break his promise. Once again they were going to send her out wearing a girly blouse and a normal pair of jeans. And then like always these horrible boots... Generally Jamie didn't have anything against boots. But this pair had such big heels it might as well could have been a skyscraper. Frowning she put on the shoes. Jamie didn't like anything about this outfit and Frank knew that. Yet he just didn't seem to care.
She remembered how she met him. It had been about three years ago when she was 15. Her mother used to bring her to an art and drama academy for professional acting, dancing, drawing etc. Her acting group had been practicing "West Side Story" for quite a while now. The evening of this day should be the big performance and Jamie had been nervous as hell. It was rumored that some kind of manager was going to come to look for new actors. She as the leading role couldn't f*ck up that day. She turned out to be quite good. Good enough for Frank to turn her into a movie-actress. When he first met her she was pretty different though. She hardly ever dressed like all the other girls. Her style was more grungy with a little bit of punk. But Frank changed that. Changed her. He turned her into a girly girl. Into the Barbie of the acting world. She hated it.
She gave herself one last look in the mirror then she left the room and looked at the chaos that was going on outside in the studios.
Selma, the assistant, approached Jamie. Behind her back kind of hiding the new intern.  "Jamie. Frank told me to give you the new script for the interview... You know? The new answers." Jamie stared at her, really confused. "Erm.. Thanks Selma." She took the notes and gave it a quick look. "But this isn't what we agreed on." She then mumbled almost desperately. "Didn't we say that I wouldn't have to go with the "Nice-and-cute-Girl-Tour?" She could see pity in Selma's eyes. "I'm sorry Jamie. I guess you will have to talk about that another time with Frank." But... but... Jamie's head was empty of thoughts. She wanted to crawl together to a ball and never get up again. Frank had been lying to her! She could feel that she was getting hysterical again, like she always did when something didn't go the way she wanted to. "Come on." Selma rushed her. "Read the notes. We only have three more minutes left until it's your big moment." Jamie still couldn't believe it. She didn't want to. Selma just left her standing alone, the intern following her like a dog. "3 Minutes until we go on live TV everybody." someone reminded everyone loudly. Jamie was still doing nothing... Not even reading. "2 Minutes."... "1 Minute everybody." Jamie started counting down in her head. 50 seconds, 40 seconds, 30 seconds... She was just going to go up on stage about 40 seconds later than Ellen. 10 seconds...9...8...7....6...5...4... Everyone was standing on their positions. Everyone except Jamie. 3 seconds. Jamie turned around. The door was only about two steps away from her. 2 seconds. Jamie opened the door. 1 second, as fast as she could she ran away from the studio.

0 Seconds: "Hello everybody. Today our lovely first guest is going to be first time on Ellen. Jamie Tyler." Nobody was coming up. The host listened carefully to what someone was telling her over an ear plug. Then she looked smiling and kind of apologizing in the camera. "It seems like we're having some technical difficulties with Ms. Tyler's microphone so she will be coming up later..."

A/N: So yeah... This is the prologue. I am sorry if it didn't have enough 5Sos *cough* it didn't have any 5sos *cough* but I swear they'll be coming up later :D see what I did there? Also sorry if it was too hard to understand or if I wrote it a bit confusing. So anyway: if anybody is actually reading this Story please tell me what I could do better bout it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. There will be coming a lot more. Bye, bye I guess.

How about Sunshine? ||l.h||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora