I chose Jerry because he was different.  He had a philosophical take on every good or bad action I had encountered in my life.  Somewhat like the butler; Alfred, from Batman. Jerry was the kind of guy that I could always turn to for my problems when I knew my parents sure as hell wouldn’t listen or when in all I just needed some old fashioned advice.  Jerry was the wisest driver I had ever bought and I loved him like he was family. Better yet, in replace of family. If I could live with him the rest of my life; in a non-creepy way of course, hell I would. Jerry never talked much about his personal life but was very patient when it came to mine. And for that I’m grateful.

 The passenger side door was then swung open and my mother’s form came into view as she blocked the bright sun from my eyes. 

Her long legs; as smooth as glass, sprang next to mine as she appointed the driver to the following colleges on her list. All the while she hadn’t given me a single glance as she pedaled her thumbs on her blackberry.   This’ll be fun.

*One Hour Later*

After the first few performances I felt myself loosen up.  The feelings I had felt before I walked through the auditorium were something of frustration. Being woken up at nine in the morning for a college visit definitely wasn’t my cup of tea, but I settled down.  The feelings I felt after I walked through the dim lighted hallway was something every performer has probably faced.  My eyes were confident, lingering into the sea of empty seats that had been placed before the stage.  My steady breathing had kept me in check as I took every stride with purpose to the stage. 

My strut was angelic as I made sure to stay on my toes and have my head and eyes straight ahead. As if there truly had been a crowd of people awaiting my arrival to the piano I curtsied and took my spot upon the bench.  Its black leather seating was plush against my bum and gave me the spirit to relax just the slightest bit. The auditorium was as silent as an abandoned house, leaving me with the tweak of fear in the back of my mind. Ignoring the negative atmosphere; I closed my eyes and took one final breath.  Opening my eyes again I found bright lights beaming down on me.  -The heat of the moment sending me into a surreal moment of bliss.  This bliss I speak of; is of course my happy place.  The feeling of security wrapping itself tight around me gave me the overall confidence that the judges before me, hidden in the auditoriums dim lighting, were only a spectator lost in the sea of people watching my every move.  With a slight smile I began my piece.  My fingers gracefully sliding themselves along the keys of the piano creating the melody of a Mozart tune.

 Before I knew it though, my fingers had stopped on a demanding note, leaving the air in the room crisp. Sliding my fingers across the keys dramatically, I stood up and curtsied once more as the applause came. In my mind there was an echo of cheers and claps, however as I looked around, all that could be noted were the judges nodding to one another. Their glasses hung off their noses as if they had belonged to a library and not a music wing.  Nodding internally I knew this was only protocol.  Without another word I had left the room.

 Now, three hours later, I sit in my limo waiting for this day to be over.  Having already finished playing for the 3 top music schools my mother had been interested in, I’m desperately waiting for Jerry to drive me home.

Tapping my freshly manicured nails across the screen of my cell phone, I begin to feel the frustration set in.  Where was she? She told me she would meet me at the car in no more than 5 minutes.  It has been 20.  Sighing heavily I trudge deeper into the black leather seating of the limo and can slightly begin to feel the tugging of fabric against my back.  Crossing my arms I stare blankly towards the front where Jerry is seated. His grey eyes, humble and kind, catch my gaze for a quick moment in the mirror before aborting and focusing on something else.  The air was silent, leaving me to my steady breathing and uneven thoughts. Chasing after my memories, I tried to think of where she could have mentioned she would be.  Coming up blank, I opened my mouth about to ask Jerry for the regards of my mother. That was; before she opened up the door and slid in, slamming the door shut behind her.

“We pay you for a reason, Mr. Michaels. I’d appreciate it if you did your job!” My mother hissed as she smoothed out the wrinkles forming in her black pencil skirt. Tossing her Gucci bag, she took a quick glance towards me before scrunching her nose in disgust. 

“Don’t slouch Katerina, it’s not lady like.”

Narrowing my eyes, I uncrossed my arms for support and lifted myself up. After crossing my legs in a proper fashion, I then laced my fingers together as if I were to pray.  Without another word she began to dial on her PDA, leaving me in complete and utter silence.  The feeling of being an only child is seriously sad when your parents are quite literally billionaires.  No one to share with, to tell all your secrets with, or to confide in; it’s almost like I’m living a double life here.  I live the life my parents want me to, and then I live mine.  Only mine is like the other sister my parents never conceived.  The life my parents wouldn’t have given two shits for because she was the second child, and not the first.  The child of disappointment and the one who would forever be looked down upon because she was never good enough… Yep, that’s the life I’m choosing to live.            

SO? What does everyone think? I really need some feedback




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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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