Chapter 1

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I stuffed the last couple t-shirts I wanted to take with me into my suitcase. I pushed down on the top of my suitcase as I zipped it closed. I know I over packed but I wouldn't be home again until May. When my suitcase was shut I sighed and turned to look around my room. I took in the sights of all my posters hanging on the walls. I noticed how straight the comforter lay on my bed. I wanted to remember what everything looked like.

In about 20 hours, I would be in Melbourne, Australia. Back in May before school let out for the summer, I was informed I'd been accepted into an exchange student program. I would spend my junior year of high school at St. Bede's College, a Catholic high school in the Melbourne suburb of Mentone. I would stay there from the end of August to the end of next May.

During my sophomore year, all I could do was think about what it would be like to travel to Australia. I'd always wanted to go there. I was surprised at how supportive my parents were when I told them I wanted to apply to be an exchange student. I told them this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I had to take it. I would receive credit for the classes I took overseas and would still graduate on time.

I couldn't believe it when I got accepted to be an exchange student. I honestly didn't think I would. Now, here I was, packing my stuff to leave the only home I'd known for almost 17 years. I was beyond excited.

"Abbie!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah! I'm coming!" I called back to her. I grabbed my suitcase and headed downstairs.

My dad loaded my other bags in the car as I came downstairs to the kitchen. When he was finished, he came back inside. "Are we ready?" He asked.

"Yep." I said.

My parents drove me to the airport. It was nice I'd get to say goodbye to them right before I left. My younger sister went to a friend's house so I had to say goodbye to her the day before I left. It didn't bother me too much though. I could always call her if I wanted to.

The airport was pretty busy at nine o'clock in the morning. The kiosks to check bags were buzzing as people used them. The desk attendants looked calm as they helped people get their luggage sorted for their trips.

My parents didn't say much as we waited in line to check my bags. I think they were sad to see me go and didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say either and just smiled at them anytime they looked directly at me.

After what seemed like forever, my bags were finally checked and all I had left with me were my two carry on bags. We stood a few feet from where the line was to enter security.

"Call us as soon as you get there, okay?" My mom said.

"Okay." I said.

My mom wasn't crying but I knew this was hard on her. She hugged me and told me to be careful.

My dad did the same and then I made my way through the security line. I waved at them just before I entered after having my passport checked. Then I made my way to put my stuff through the x ray machine.

I was told when to sleep on the plane so jet lag wouldn't mess me up as bad when I arrived in Melbourne. When I got there, I was two days ahead of everyone back home. I wasn't too worried about the time difference. I was more excited about what life was going to be like in a foreign country.

A lady from the program, Mrs. Wilson, picked me up at the airport in Melbourne. "Hello, you must be Abbie." She said, smiling at me.

"I am." I said, smiling back.

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