To Harry's utter dismay, they walked down an uneven path to some boats. By this point his legs were visibly shaking, as were his arms.

"Ev'ryone into a boa'. 'Arry wit' me." Hagrid ordered.

Harry swung himself over to Hagrid and let Hagrid help him into the boat. Soon the flock of boats set off and Hogwarts became visible. Lights shone out of every window, making the castle glow against the dusk sky. Harry gasped at the beauty.

"Profess'r McGonnagal'll be waitin' wit' yer chair."

"Thank you." Harry replied. "I'm in a lot of pain. Does everyone know about my condition?"

"All o' the teachers do." Hagrid responded. "Jus' incase anythin' happened to yer." Hagrid ruffled Harry's hair. "Duck!" Hagrid yelled to all of the first years.

Harry ducked and soon found himself to be in a dock of sorts. The boats lined up against a stone path and they all scrambled out. Hagrid led the group up some steps, after putting Harry in Ron and Hermione's care (he'd briefly met Hermione on the train where she'd promised to research Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome upon realising she knew nothing about it).

Hagrid knocked several times on a heavy open door, which was thrust open by a stern looking woman. The first years were ushered up the rest of the chairs and into a large chamber. By this point Harry was certain his legs were going to give out or he was going to faint. His heart was pounding and he felt dizzy.

"I need my chair, now."

Hermione pushed to the front of the crowd of students and spoke to Professor McGonnagal quietly. Before Harry could fully process what was happening, he was sat in his chair and McGonagall was asking him if he needed to see Madam Pomfrey.

"I'm fine, honestly." Harry reassured.

"Hm. Well I will make sure she sees you afterwards." The professor then left to stand at the front of the crowd of students.

After the ghosts payed the group a visit, and a stern speech from Professor McGonnagal, they were lead into the Great Hall.

Harry had never seen anything so wondrous as the enchanted ceiling, it captivated Harry so much that he almost drove his chair into one of the tables. Harry righted himself and forced himself to look where he was going until the group stopped. 

Professor McGonagall strode to the front of the hall and picked an old hat off of the stool at the front of the hall and a scroll. She cleared her throat.

"Hannah Abbot!"


"Harry Potter!"

Harry gulped and moved his chair forwards using the joystick. When he approached the steps that lead to the stool turned into a ramp. He rolled up the ramp and stopped next to the stool. The hat was placed on his head and slipped over his eyes.

"Harry Potter, eh." The hat crooned, making Harry jump. "I sense bravery, loyalty, cunningness and a thirst for knowledge. My my, where shall I put you?"

"Not Slytherin." Harry whispered, having spoken to Draco Malfoy earlier on the train.

"Not Slytherin, eh? You could be great, you know. Well, if you so wish, better be Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers and Harry joined them, noticing that as he rolled up part of the bench disappeared.

Soon the sorting was over and Harry found himself delighted that Ron had also been sorted into Gryffindor.

"Attention!" Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, called from the front of the hall. "I welcome all of the first years and implore you all to help them find their way around Hogwarts. A few changes to the castle have been made this year - the doorways are wider and the desks can be adjusted. Please be patient. I would like to remind you that the forbidden forest still remains forbidden," Harry noted that Dumbledore's eyes flickered over to the Weasley twins, "and a list of all banned items can be found outside of Mr Filch's office. Now enough chit chat, eat!"

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