Chapter 1

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So this is my first proper chapter of this story, please review and let me know what you think, and if you like it.

It was visiting time at Helden's Prison; the beautiful blond that had arrived was causing a stir amongst the prisoners. The woman was wearing a black leopard print maxi dress and gold thong sandals. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail leaving her fringe to frame her face. She was wearing black stud ear-rings and a black flower ring on the middle finger of her right hand. There was a black and silver cuff style bracelet on her left wrist and on the wedding finger of her left hand the woman was wearing a single diamond white gold engagement ring, coupled with a plain white gold wedding band. A prison officer patted down her body to search her for anything she shouldn't have before asking for her handbag.

"There you go Mrs Harris" the prison officer said as she handed, her the hand bag.


Alanna took a deep breath as she walked slowly towards the table she could see her husband sitting at. Alanna decided she needed to see him after the package she had received. She sat carefully in the chair opposite him "Do you want to tell me what's going on?" she asked nervously. Alanna had a horrible knotting sensation in her stomach as she waited for him to reply.

"I can't do this any more. I can't watch you come here day after day" Roman said slowly.

"Roman I like coming here, well not like exactly but you know what I mean" Roman laughed a little as he watched Alanna try to explain.

"I know, I just can't ask you to do this any more" he said calmly, he could see the annoyed expression fill Alanna's face.

"Well you can't stop me either and if you think this is going to make me turn my back on you then you're wrong, I love you Roman Harris..." Alanna started to get angry, she calmed instantly when she felt Roman's hand on top of hers.

"I know you do, I love you too and that's why I have to do this. Allie I can't ask you to put your life on hold anymore, I know how much you want children" Roman explained.

"I do want children, but I want them with you. We're in this together for better or for worse remember" Alanna reminded Roman of their wedding vows.

"Yeh, but its worse for you than it is for me right now. Please Allie let me go, live your life don't wait for me" Roman felt terrible for upsetting Alanna but he wanted her to move on and be happy. He knew him being locked up wasn't going to make her happy.

"I can't believe your asking me to do this, to just walk away from our marriage like this" Alanna cried, she couldn't fight back her tears for much longer, but she refused to cry in front of him, so she just got up and rushed out.

Roman sat with his head in his hands; he knew she would be upset. All he could do know was hope she understood and eventually moved on with her life.


After driving round for a few hours Alanna eventually pulled up outside her house. As she opened the front door she could hear laughing coming from the kitchen, she took a deep breath and headed towards the laughing.

Alanna put her bag on the table and headed over to the fridge. The laughing stopped as soon as she walked into the room "Hey, how did it go?" Nicole asked as soon as she saw the sad look on Alanna's face.

Nicole, Angelo and George were staying with Alanna while they got a place sorted; Alanna didn't mind them being there she was just grateful for the distraction.

Alanna reached into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of white wine "Not great, he still won't budge" Nicole threw Angelo a look as she watched her step-mum walk over to the cupboard and take out a glass "Did you want one?" she asked. Nicole shook her head, and then watched as Alanna got frustrated when she tried to open the bottle. Alanna eventually slammed the bottle down on the kitchen counter and burst into tears.

"Hey it's ok?" Nicole said as she rushed to give Alanna a hug.

"Why is he doing this to me Nic, I don't understand" she sobbed uncontrollably. Angelo took George into the lounge out of the way. He knew Alanna needed to talk to Nicole.

Nicole opened the wine and poured a glass for Alanna and herself "I don't know Allie. What did he say to you exactly?" Nicole wondered what had got Alanna in such a state.

"Not a lot, just that he didn't want me to waste anymore of my life on him" Alanna explained, Nicole's eyes widened.

"What he said that?" she exclaimed, she couldn't believe her dad could be so insensitive.

"Not in so many words, he said something about me moving on and having children" she sniffed. Nicole couldn't believe what she was hearing, but as she started to think about it she then started to realise what her dad was trying to do. He was trying to set her free, let her have the life that she deserved.

Nicole remembered her dad telling her that he hated the thought Alanna was being punished for his crimes, she had put her whole life on hold for him.

"Maybe he's right" Nicole said finally, she saw the furious look on Alanna's face and regretted her comment instantly.

"What, so you think I should just give up on him? On everything we have built together" Alanna didn't mean to shout at Nicole but she was just so angry "I can't cope with this" Alanna cried as she grabbed the bottle of wine and glass and headed into her bedroom. She stayed in there for the rest of the night.


Nicole was surprised when she came downstairs in the morning, Alanna had packed a suitcase "Hey sweetie, I'm so sorry for shouting at you last night" Alanna was like a completely different person.

"It's fine" Nicole smiled dubiously as she looked at the suitcase that was now stood next to the front door.

"You and Angelo will have this place to yourselves for the next week or so, I have decided to go to away for a while to sort my head out" Alanna explained as she grabbed her keys and some cash out of the little jar on the fireplace.

"Ok where are you going?" Nicole wondered.

"Summer Bay, I'm gonna catch up with some old friends" Alanna smiled, she kissed Nicole on the cheek before heading out of the door. "Say bye to Angelo and give George a kiss for me" she called out as she closed her door behind her. Nicole laughed a little; this kind of behaviour was so like Alanna, she always did things in the spare of the moment.


Alanna threw her suitcase into the boot of her white Audi TT roadster, before slipping into the driver's seat, putting the top down and putting on her sunglasses. She started the engine and drove off the drive way and made her way along the main road. She stopped at the junction to check in her handbag, which was now on the passenger seat, she found her phone purse and the brown envelope. Alanna took a deep breath before taking off the hand brake and turning off the end of her street.

"Summer Bay here I come" she smiled as she felt the fresh air on her face.

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