Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Romeo's POV

It was hot out, the sun beating down on us. I was up to bat, playing with my team. I stood there, staring at the Capulet High School's pitcher. You see, I was from Montague High School and we were rivals with the Capulet High School. I looked over at all of the bases, all of the bases were loaded. The pitcher did his wind up and threw the ball. I hit the ball and it went soaring towards the fence in the outfield. It went over the fence giving us a home run. All the guys on the bases ran from base to base, and I came right behind them. The game ended witih us beating Capulet High School.

When I got to the bench, the coach and the players were rushed into the locker room. Since the Capulet High School and Maontague High School were rivals we used violence a lot by fighting with gun, or just our fists. Benvolio, or who we call Ben, came up to me, "Good game cousin." "Well thanks," I responded and asked, "What's happening outside?" Ben sighed and answered, "Capulet High is extremely pissed." "I'm just glad you're not with them creating more of a ruckus," I said sighing. "I would've liked to join in," Ben replied cooly and I glared at him, "Dude, we have a rugby game soon and we don't need more injured people. We already lost Stephan King from one of those stupid fights." "True, true," Ben said. I sighed and leaned against my locker saying, "When is the fight outside going to end?"

Ben also leaned against a locker, "It usually lasts about a half hour." "When the cops break it up, but when they aren't around it lasts one hour dude," I said. "Exactly," he said as I took off the shirt of my baseball uniform and put on a red t- shirt. "I can't wait to play the Capulet High School tomorrow. We are going to cream them," I said laughing. "I hope so," Ben said with a smile, "Speaking of Capulet High School, me and Merc are going to raid the dance tonight. Do you want to come?" Merc, which was short for Mercutio, was one of my best friends who plays rugby with Ben and I. "Well maybe," I said sighing, "I'm depressed right now. I think I my heart is aching for the beautiful Rosaline." "Forget about her," Ben said, "Just come to the dance with us and we will find you the most beautiful lady in the world. You will dance under the moonlight at midnight, she will smile at you and you will feel the strongest love ever known to man." "You dream of fairytales Ben, you're just like Merc, always talking about your stupid dreams with women, but Merc is worse. He is such a perve," I said, "I'm even more depressed because Rosaline wants to stay a virgin for the rest of her life. "Come to the Capulet Halloween party just for a little while with us," Ben said. "Okay fine, I'll go with you," I said with a sigh. "Excellent! I'll pick you up from your house this evening at 8." Ben said with joy as he raced out of the locker room.

Julian's POV

"Butler!" yelled my mother, "Butler! Get Julian ready for the dance tonight! Paris will be arriving soon!" I heard Butler race up to my room, "Julian, please just act like you're straight for a night." Butler knows I'm gay, in fact he is also gay. I took the tux and changed into it in my bathroom. "Julian! Hurry up! Paris will be here soon!" my mother yelled from downstairs. The doorbell rang, "She's here!" my mother chirped and I heard my mother and Paris squealing about how cute I was. I walked down the stairs and Paris looked like she was going to faint. She yelled, "JULIAN!!" She ran over to me, and hugged me tightly.

"Let go of me please," I said rudely. The Butler looked at me with a death glare saying, "I'm sorry Miss Paris for Julian's rude actions. May I talk to you for a second Julian?" I groaned, and I walked over to the kitchen. "Now, you remember when I told you not to be mean to Paris," he said with a sigh, "You don't need to be a jerk to people just because you hate them." I sighed, "I'm just pissed that my parents set up these dates without me knowing." "Well just be happy that I'm not driving you there," he said chuckling. I groaned and grabbed the car keys on my way out of the kitchen. "Be safe," he said smiling at me, "Remember to be the gentleman you are." "I'll try my best," I muttered.

Romeo's POV

"This dance, is awesome!" Merc exclaimed. "Oh shut up, Montegue High School dances can be better!" Ben shouted. The two fools put on their mascarade masks, both laughing hysterically for no reason. Maybe they had an inside joke that I didn't know yet, or they were just laughing for absolutely no reason. I can't stop thinking about Rosaline, I just think there is no girl that would top her beauty. "Come on Romeo!" Ben called to me and I raced after him. "How are we going to get in?" I asked Ben. He chuckled and Merc answered for him, "Bribe of course." I took a deep breath as Ben was conversing with a Capulet High School student, when they were done conversing Ben gave him a wad of cash and he gestured for us to walk in. I must admit, for being an academic and arts school, they really know how to party. "Look at all the cute ladies!" Merc exclaimed over the loud music. Ben shoved him towards the dance floor and Merc started dancing. I walked away from them towards where food and refreshments were. They had fruit punch, so I went and got a cup of that. To us high school kids, fruit punch was like wine to us.

Then I saw the beautiful Rosaline, she looked amazing tonight. I could feel my jaw drop from the amazement of her beauty. "Shut that mouth," said Ben, tapping my jaw with his pointer finger, "Remember your goal? Find a new girl." "Oh yeah, sorry dude but Rosaline looks even more beautiful tonight," I say in disbelief. "No no no no no. Don't go there! You will find a new and way more beautiful girl!" Both of us walked up the stairs to the balcony looking down at the dance floor. "See any beautiful ladies from up here in heaven? Are you going to catch a beautiful lady and bring her up here to the heavens above?" Ben asked. "Okay fine, I'll watch from up here. You should go have fun and talk with Merc and go find the lady of your dreams, instead of helping me. Don't worry, I'll find the woman of my dreams soon," I said smiling. Ben laughed saying, "How can I be so sure that you aren't lying to me?" "Don't worry dude, I promise I will meet someone tonight," I said. "You sure?" he asked. I sighed, "I pinky swear." I held out my pinky to make the lame promise. Ben did the pinky swear happily and literally skipped down the stairs and back to the dance floor. I sighed and looked down at the dance floor below me. I had been depressed for days because of the way Rosaline just yelled at everyone at the last dance at Montegue High School, saying, "I'm going to be single for the rest of my life, so I'm going to stay a virign!" Then a girl, on the dance floor, caught my eye. I looked at her for a while, she was more beautiful than Rosaline. It looked like her best friend in a pink dress was yelling at her to dance with her, but she shoke her head no. She was wearing a black tux and she had her hair down. She eventually danced with the girl in the pink dress until the song ended. The annoying girl that was with her looked very ugly compared to the girl in the tux. When the song ended, I walked away from the balcony to where the girl was and hid behind the pillar nearby. She was watching one of the students sing to the DJ's song.

I just watched her and said to myself, "She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." She had jet black hair as beautiful at the night sky and light blue eyes that are as beautiful as the sky during the day. Then she walked away where nobody would go, which was on the balcony far away from the dance. I walked over behind her taking her hand. "Who is it?" she asked. I didn't want to say my name so all that I could say was, "You are a saint and I'm a sinner. Could you erase this dreaded sin that I have, through a kiss, so I might be saved." The girl looked hesitant and I sighed, so I just kissed her. When I pulled away she asked, "What if I took your sin from you?" She was right, what if she did take my sin away? "Then give me my sin back," I told her and I kissed her again. We kissed for the longest time. That night, the party was even better than a Montague High School dance.

When the party was over, Ben and Merc were the first ones to run over to me, saying at the same time, "Did you find the girl of your dreams?!" "Uh, if you put it that way, then yes," I said. Ben winked at me, "Told ya you would." Merc laughed saying, "What are you going to do now, get into her pants?" "What!!" Ben and I yelled at the same time, "You pervert!" Ben looked extremely disgusted. "Why didn't you find a girl then?" he asked Merc. "Because they all love me," he said slicking back his hair, "They know I'm single and waiting for them." "You're gross," I said lightly punching him in the arm. "Well, I'm going home, I'm not so sure about you guys," Ben said and I sighed, "My mom just texted me that I needed to get some stuff from the store, so I'll see you later." Saying that was a total lie. Ben nodded, "Ok, see you later."

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