Chapter 2 (flashback)

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Flashback 2008

Hotch slowly stirred from his sleep. He glanced at the clock and seen it was only 3:47 in the morning. He yawned and looked down at the weight on his chest. His naked fiance was tucked under his arm with her arm around his chest. They both had her sheets wrapped around them. After a wild night, they both had fallen asleep cuddled up with each other. Her raven hair was a mess but she looked so adorable. He watched for a little longer before dozing back off. When he woke up again, he didn't feel the familiar heat next to him. He stretched, put some shorts on, and ventured to find Emily. He went into the kitchen to find her at the counter only wearing his work shirt from the day before. Hotch walks up behind her putting his arms around her slim waist. 

She presses brew on the coffee pot and turns around in his arms to smile at him. "Good morning, sleepyhead. I'm made you coffee before we have to leave." He smiles and kisses her forehead lightly.  "Go upstairs and take a shower. We will stop for a quick breakfast if you hurry." She smiles then kisses his cheek. "I don't know about that one. We might be late for work and my boss might get mad at me. He is kind of a hard ass." She says laughing at the way he rolls his eyes at her and playfully shoves her towards the stairs. "Well, if you don't shoo, he might get mad." She rolls her eyes before running upstairs to change and shower. 

Thirty minutes later, she came back downstairs showered and in her work clothes. He was standing by the door holding their traveling bags, his briefcase, and her messenger bag. "Please take your messenger bag. It feels like you keep bricks in there." He says and she just laughs taking it from him, briefly thinking about the pregnancy test and ultrasound in the bottom. Tonight. She would tell him tonight. 

They head out for breakfast then to the BAU. After picking up bagels, upon Emily's request, they walk through the glass doors and everyone was already there. "Oh look, the lovebirds finally decided to show up to work," Morgan says from behind his desk looking up when he looks up hearing the doors open and the click of Emily's heels. Hotch shot him a glare and went up to his office. Emily sat down at her desk smiling. "Guys, we have a case," JJ says walking down the catwalk towards the conference room. 

Emily let out a sigh, knowing the pregnancy announcement would have to wait. She wanted to do it in the comfort of their own home when it was just the two of them. Not when they should be focusing on a serial killer on the loose.


They had been on the case for 9 days before they finally caught a break and knew where to find their unsub. They went to the house they tracked him to. After suiting up, they went in. Emily held her gun in front of her as she followed behind Hotch. Morgan and Reid went in the back door. JJ was on the main floor with Rossi while she and Hotch checked the upstairs. Hotch shouted that it was clear so she lowered her arms and holstered her firearm. She turned and began to look through one of the upstairs bedrooms while Hotch looked through the other one. Apparently, the unsub had been hiding behind an old dresser and jumped out towards Emily. It was quickly followed by 3 rapid-fire gunshots.

Hearing the gun shots everyone sprinted up the stairs. Rossi ran into the room first, followed quickly by JJ, Morgan, and Reid. They all gasp at the sight before them. Emily laid on the ground bleeding from under her vest and the unsub lay dead on the ground. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" Hotch screamed while holding pressure on one of the gunshot wounds. "GET ME A FUCKING AMBULANCE!!" He yelled again. Morgan jumped into action calling for an ambulance, there was an agent down.

 Emily's eyes started to flutter closed and he was pleading for her to keep them open. It felt like an eternity later when EMT's finally run up into the room. Hotch moved out of the way and they quickly put her on the stretcher. After she is lifted into the ambulance Hotch jumps in and they speed off with the team following close behind. When they arrived they immediately took Emily away for emergency surgery without telling the team anything. 

 Hotch was left behind in the waiting room covered in Emily's blood. JJ went back to the hotel and got his bag to get him out of the blood-soaked clothes. The team walked in slowly and JJ walked up behind him handing him the bag. "She'll make it, Aaron. She's strong as hell and she isn't going to leave you." She whispers before going to sit down next to everybody else. Aaron doesn't answer, he just takes the bag and walks out of the private waiting room they were given. "Do you know how many shots hit her?" Morgan asks Rossi as they sit in the waiting room. "2, I believe. It looks like one in the side and the second one in the front below the belly button. It looks like it just missed the vest." He whispers looking down at his clasp hands between his knees.

It had been 2 hours since Emily was rushed into surgery and nobody came out to tell the team what's going on. They sat out there together hoping and praying their fiance, friend, and coworker would make it off that table to live another day. 

2 hours turned into 3. 3 turned into 4. Hotch was becoming stir crazy and pacing the waiting room with his arms crossed. "She'll be okay, Hotch," JJ says again. She was holding the tears at bay trying to stay strong for him. Everybody was. They wanted to be strong because they knew he was taking this the hardest. He was her fiance and he was the one who called the upstairs empty when it wasn't. "You don't fucking know that, Jennifer!" He screamed at her. She jumped and that is when the tears started flowing from her eyes. 

"Man, calm down. We just are trying to keep a positive look on things." Hotch scoffed and started pacing again. 20 minutes after the outburst, a doctor slowing came through the doors. He took the scrub cap off his head and called out, "Emily Prentiss." He says and everyone stands up. "How is she?" Hotch asks stopping in front of the young doctor. "Are you family?" He asks glancing at the team and then back at Aaron. "I am her husband and her Unit Chief. Is she okay?" He practically growls at the doctor. "Mrs.Prentiss is going to be fine. It was touch and go for a while but she made it. She required a blood transfusion so we are going to keep a close eye on her. We strongly believe she will be okay, But, I am sorry to say, we couldn't save the fetus Mrs.Prentiss was carrying. I am sorry, Agent." 

Hotch began to let out a sigh of relief until the doctor dropped the bombshell that Emily is pregnant. Was. Emily was pregnant. The team shared sad looks between each other as Hotch followed the doctor out of the waiting room to go see Emily, who should be waking up from surgery soon. 

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