
Start from the beginning

I laid my hand on his arm and shook his arm. When that didn't work I rolled my eyes and put my hands under him. I grunted as I pushed his dead weight to roll him over and off the bed. He yelped when he hit the carpet and I looked over the edge to see him glaring. "Really? You could've just shaken me or something?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I did, you loser. You were dead to the world." He shrugged and stood up, pointing at the door that was still being banged on. 

"That's Stephanie. Apparently, dinner is about to be ready." I slid off the bed stretching my arms up and standing on my tip-toes so my whole body stretched. I saw the glint in his eyes just in time to bring my arms down and catch his wrist as he went to tickle me. He pouted.

"You ruined my revenge." I laughed and pushed him towards the door. 

"Keep trying, Park, keep trying." He grumbled and walked to the door. He opened it, stopping Stephanie mid-knock. She looked shocked to see him, then set that seductive smile on her face. I walked past him and he followed me, making her smile turn into a scowl. 

"Wow, Katalyna. Sex hair, much?" I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to smooth down my hair. I was too tired for that. When I didn't respond, she went for Parker. "Why would you even sleep with her? She's not even pretty." He shrugged.

"I dunno. She's just really great in the sack." He deadpanned, smacking my butt for the dramatic effect. I burst out laughing and swatted his hand away as we jogged down the stairs, leaving Stephanie at the top of the staircase, glaring at us. I heard his chuckle behind me and he stopped me before we entered the kitchen. He ran his finger through my hair trying to fix the rat's nest it had become. "Can't have your father thinking I just deflowered you, can we?" I winked and me and walked into the kitchen, dragging me along. 

"Hey KitKat. Hey Parker," my father greeted us. Parker raised his eyebrows at me at my father's use of his nickname. I just shrugged and grinned. Looking to my father. 

"Hey," I took a seat when my dad smiled at me. 

"Actually, Katalyna, we're at the big table in the dining room." I furrowed my brows. "We're having company over tonight." I jumped up and held a hand to my hair as I looked down at my dance clothes. He seemed to understand and nodded towards the stairs. "You've got time. Go get ready. They won't be here for at least 20 minutes." I grinned and ran upstairs, Parker hot on my tail. 

"You take a shower. I'll grab your clothes." I nodded and stripped my shirt off, walking into the bathroom. I quickly scrubbed my skin and hair clean of the sweat from today's dance practice. After finishing up I wrapped my body with a towel and ran into my room to see Parker staring at two different dresses on my bed. One was sky blue with a white lace trim along the neckline and bottom of it. The other was forest green with a dark purple sash around the midsection. I grabbed the blue one and ran to my underwear drawer, slipping on some underwear under the towel and clasping the bra over the towel. Then I took the towel away from my body and tossed it on my bed.

Parker had walked into my closet and came back with some white flats as I slipped the dress on over my head. I put on the shoes and he got behind me, walking in step with me and zipping up the dress as I walked to the bathroom. He dug around under the bathroom sink as I started applying some make up. Jumping back up, he plugged in my blow dryer and began drying my hair for me. I finished with my eyes, the usual outer corner eyeliner and mascara, then applied some light pink lipstick. 

I ran a brush through my hair when he finished. "Ribbons?" He asked, looking at me in the mirror. I looked up and bit the inside of my cheek, thinking. 

"There should be some in a basket on my dresser." He nodded and ran into the room. I smoothed down my hair and smiled at him as he brought me a blue ribbon that matched my dress. I wrapped it around and tried to tie a pretty bow on the side of my head but frowned and turned to him. "Help?" I jutted out my bottom lip and did my best puppy dog impression. He chuckled and took the ribbon out of my hands, fixing it. I turned and grinned at my reflexion. 

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