Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Patricia and Rafael <3

~ Patricia's POV ~

"Ugh, Monica! Leave me alone!" I said to my annoying little sister.

"But I want to play on your iPod!" She said for the hundredth time in two minutes.

"Monica, I told you, I'm listening to my music! Just get out!" I yelled.

"Fine!" She yelled back, storming out of the room. "You're so mean!"

"Whatever." I retorted back.

Monica is my eight year old, good for nothing sister that loves to torture me with her annoyingness. If that even is a word.

My point is that she came into my life, why? Why, when it was perfect, me being the only child? Because my parents thought it would be good for "parent" training or whatever.

It may sound stupid, because it is, but they don't think it is stupid.

To be honest, I think that it's because they had sex and they didn't use a condom.

Ok, enough of my rant.

Right now, I'm sitting in my bedroom on my bed, crying over my recent break up with my ex-boyfriend Chris.

Chris was my high school crush and when we finally got together, I was really happy.


"Come on! Monica! We need to leave, I need to start on dinner!" I called to Monica.

"But this is a really pretty dress! Oh, please, Trish, let me get it!" She pleaded, giving me her best puppy dog eyes yet.

"No! Mum called and said that we have to go home now." I said.

"Why?" She whined.

"Monica! Just, ugh, lets go!" I said.

"No, you go, I stay. Unless you get me this dress." She stubbornly said.

"Monica!" I gasped.

"What?" She asked, acting like she had no clue as to what she just said.

"Ugh fine! How much is it?" I gave in.

"I don't know." She said.

I walked over to the Monica and the dress, it was $70!

"Monica, it's too expensive. Come on, lets go!" I said while grabbing Monica's hand and rushing out of the shop, so she didn't get a chance to plead anymore.

"You're so mean." I heard Monica say behind me, dragging her feet as she walked.

"No, I'm not, Monica. Hurry up and stop dragging your feet, people are staring."

"I don't care! They would be staring at me in that dress, anyway." She back-chatted.

"Well then it's even. End of story."

Monica grunted.

God, she can be so rude sometimes.

"I want an ice cream!" Monica demanded.

"Excuse me?" I said, sounding shocked, even though I wasn't the least bit surprised.

"What? I want ice cream!" She said, acting like she knew nothing.

"No!" I said while heading towards the exit door of the shopping centre.

Oh god, why do so many people bring their screaming kids here? It's not like they're forced to.

I looked behind me to check where Monica was, and saw her at the ice cream stand.

Then I realised Monica was the one screaming.

Why, why wasn't I the LEAST bit surprised?

I power walked over to her and put my hand over her mouth.

"Monica, shush!" I said.

She just screamed even louder. I saw some people glaring at us and I said the first thing on my mind.

"Fine, I'll get you an ice cream!" I said.

"Yay! I want strawberry flavour!" She happily said.

Well, on the bright side, at least she's not screaming.

I bought her an ice cream and we started to head towards the exit of the shopping centre.

Just as I was about to leave, somebody tapped my shoulder.

Oh god, what now?

I turned around, only to see an oddly familiar face.

"Chris?" I said.

"Yes, Patricia?" He said.

"Umm why did you tap my shoulder?"

Chris is my primary school crush, I don't even know how I remember him.

Well, he hasn't changed that much in looks. Same brown eyes, brown hair, and chiselled features.

Still has a big ego.

"Because I wanted to." He replied.

"How can you still remember me?" I asked.

"I just do. Well, you haven't changed that much, but you do look a bit better."

"Umm, ok?"

"So, what's your phone number?"

*End of Flashback*

And now, here I am, sobbing about my life.

I regret everything that happened with him.

I thought there was something behind that big ego.

But no, everything he said was a lie.

Everything he said was all one, big, fat, stupid lie.

She's Not AfraidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora