Chapter 17: Found

Start from the beginning

I manage to get to my bedroom without bumping into anything. When I open my bedroom door I feel along the wall for the light switch and after a second I found it and switch it on. Immediately the entire room is filled with bright white light. I walk to the toilet that is to the right of my bed and did my nightly routine which is to shower, then put on my pajamas, then dry my hair with the hair dryer, then wash my face with face wash and then brush my teeth. After all that is done, then I walk out of the toilet and go to my bed to get some much needed sleep.

The next I am woken up by my alarm on my phone that is ringing so loudly that I think even Bethany can hear it. I groan but got up from my very comfortable bed to switch off the alarm and check the time. I look at my phone and it is 10:00am and I contemplate if I should sleep a bit more but I decided against it, as I should have breakfast and do some shopping for toiletries and grocery.

So with that in mind I got out of the bed and go to the toilet to freshen up and brush my teeth before I change from my pajamas to a light pink blouse and black skinny jeans. Once I'm ready I got out of my bedroom with my handbag and walk to the kitchen to make breakfast for Bethany and me before I leave to the shopping mall to buy some important things.

Once I'm in the kitchen and put my handbag on the counter, I went to the fridge to get the last remaining eggs, bacon, beans and salad before I went to the stove and made some scramble eggs with bacon, bake beans and with some salad. After I finish cooking I divide the food equally and took one plate to put in the microwave so that Bethany only has to heat it up and I also put a small note on the fridge about where I put her breakfast.

Once that is done I ate my breakfast and after I finish I bring the plate and utensil to the sink and wash it. Then I grab my handbag and walk to the front door collecting my car, and house keys that is by the door. Making sure I lock the door before I walk to my car.

I unlock the car and open the door, then putting my handbag on the passenger seat before I turn the engine on and drive off to the shopping mall that is a 30 minutes drive from the house. As I reach the mall I find it to be full and I needed to make two rounds around the parking lot before I am lucky enough to find a parking that is near to the entrance of the mall.

I turn off the engine after I park the car and then got out of the car. Locking it as I walk to the entrance. I decided to look for my toiletries first so with that decision I made my way to pharmacy.

Once there I walk around looking for everything that I needed. I made sure I have everything and didn't forget anything before I went to the cash register to pay for everything. After I paid I thank the person manning the cash register and walk out of the pharmacy.

On my way to get the grocery I stop by some shops that when I find something interesting or something that I want to buy. In the end before I know it I am carrying a lot of shopping bags and I need to put it in the car before I go do grocery shopping so I made my way to the entrance of the mall and walking to my car. I had a little trouble getting my car keys as my hands are quite full but I manage to find it and unlocking the car. Then I open the boot to put all the bags in and once that is done I close it and lock the car before I once again walk to the entrance.

  I walk into the grocery store grabbing a trolley on my way in. The first things I search for are eggs as the eggs at home are completely finish. I found the eggs at the end of the first aisle so I grab the carton that has 24 eggs and putting it gently in the trolley so that none of the eggs break.

Then I made my way to the vegetable section. However as I walk I see a red hair color that caught my eyes so I look closer and I could not believe my eyes. I had to blink a couple of times to make sure what I am seeing is real and not my imagination and I must of look odd to people passing by as I am just standing there staring so I whisper "Sapphire". I am hoping she heard and at the same time I hope she didn't, as I don't know what to say to her. She must have heard me as she lifted her head from looking at the vegetables to my shock face.

Ricardo P.O.V

This week was a bad week for me. First there was a problem with the shipping of goods that I had to go and personally solve it myself that leads me to be very exhausted, that as soon as I reach home I past out on the couch. Then there was my secretary reminding me of my ex-wife and the next day I made sure she knows that the if she brings up about my ex-wife again I will suspend her with no pay. However, the damage has been done as the mention of my ex-wife's name leads to me unconsciously thinking about her more until I almost got into an accident that could have injured me badly.

It was a few days ago when it happens.

I was driving home from work like normal when I happen to see this café that my ex-wife Sapphire like to go to a lot and this leads me to be lost in thought thinking about the good memories I had with her that I didn't realize that I stray from my lane until a truck horn that I realize and my quick reflex save me from a collision with a truck by mere inches.

I was quite shock after that and I made sure to focus on driving and didn't look anywhere else just incase it happens again.

It went to the point that I went to get help to forget these memories but the therapist I went to said I can't forget these memories because it is stuck in my mind. Therapist said that I can only try to remember the good memories more so that I would think less about the painful memories. It does not work. I've tried so I didn't go to the therapist again after that, as he couldn't help me with my problem.

So every night I would dream about the same thing. Her wanting a divorce, the fight at the courthouse and I keep waking up in cold sweat after each dream and I had to tell myself that it was a dream and it has already past but I couldn't really convince myself that it is in the past as even though I would never admit it out loud and I hate myself for it, I am still in love with her after all these years and after what she did to destroyed my heart and my trust.

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