Wingwoman - Intro

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Amelia 'Millie' Thomas let herself into her and Chris' apartment, using her foot to close the door behind her. She looked around and saw the state of the place; there were takeaway boxes, food wrappers, unwashed dishes and cups, and dirty clothes everywhere. On top of that it smelt of feet and general man smell. Making sure to side step a pair of dirty boxers, Millie made her way to the coffee table. Placing her overnight bag, her handbag and the two coffees she had bought on the table, she sighed, so this is what happens when she left Chris to his own devices for a few days. She began picking up a few bits of rubbish and began cleaning up a bit when she heard two distinct voices from the bedroom. Millie stood straight and strained her ears to listen to the voices; one was male, the other female.

Millie stepped into the hallway and cringed when her heeled shoes made a loud noise on the wooden flooring. She carefully kicked her shoes onto the carpeted living room floor and quietly walked through the apartment, towards the voices. As she ventured closer, the voices got louder and clearer; enabling Millie to hear the conversation. The two people in the room spoke loudly; obviously they had not heard her.

"You're a great guy Steve." A high-pitched, female voice cooed; Millie didn't recognise the voice and she couldn't help but wonder - Who the hell is Steve?

"Aw thanks, Wendy, you're pretty great too." A deeper, male voice replied. Millie recognized this voice, it was Chris. While she had been on her buisness trip he had bedded another woman, lying about his name. Millie pulled her phone from her pocket and pulled up her texts and looked at the last one she received from Chris; it was a simple but sweet 'I can't wait to see you x'. A few tears fell down her face as she put her phone away, back into her pocket. Millie took a few, quiet deep breaths as she listened to the two lovers compliment each other. And then when she decided she had heard enough, Millie burst into the room, her face red with anger.

"How could you do this to me, Chris?" She cried, startling both Chris and his female companion. They both immediately covered themselves, shock evident on both of their faces. The girl was a young, blue-eyed blonde who was the complete opposite of thirty-year-old, green-eyed, brunette Millie.

"I thought your name was Steve? What's going on?" The girl asked Chris accusingly.

"Yeah, Chris! What's going on? I'm your girlfriend, I thought you loved me!" Millie whispered, tears running down her face.

"I'm..." Chris stuttered.

"You know what, I don't wanna hear it. I'm leaving." Wendy exclaimed and stood, quickly changing into her clothes. She walked over to Millie and patted her shoulder, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Wendy then left the bedroom, heading toward the front door. Chris stood from the bed, wrapped the covers around his naked form and walked out the room.

"Wendy! Wait!" He pleaded with her as she turned to face him. "I can explain."

"No Chris, delete my number, I don't want to see you again." Wendy then opened the door and slammed it behind her. Chris let out a defeated sigh and then turned to see Millie, who had grabbed a tissue to wipe away her tears. He saw that she had a huge smile on her face and was trying to contain her laughter. Chris smiled back at her before stepping forward and embracing Millie into a hug. She returned the hug, no longer being able to hold her laughter.

"You are a Grade A actress Ms. Thomas, that performance was Oscar worthy!" Chris said dramatically as he pulled away from the short woman.

"I know right! It is about time the Academy recognised my talent." She joked, going along with Chris' charade. The two then burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter which brought real tears to Millie's eyes.

"Yeah, but seriously thanks. Millie you really saved my ass," Chris commented as he sat on the edge of his bed. Millie perched next to him and smiled at him.

"It's fine Evans, but now you owe me. I'm gonna go tidy up a bit and unpack while you get dressed. Cause then you're gonna take me out for breakfast." The brunette smirked as she stood up and flattened out her slacks. After giving him another smile, Millie headed back into the main room and began to clean.

"Do I have to?" Chris groaned - he had planned to spend the day relaxing.

"Yes, Chris! You owe me." Millie replied, which caused Chris to groan again.


A/N - So there you go! Let me know what you think of the story guys and if you think this story is good and has a lot potential then I will carry it on!



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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