Chapter 1: The New Boy

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Chapter 1

*Lil's POV*
"Catcha later Lill" I sat as i watched as my best friend of 12 years goes on a date with the one man or should i say boy i despise, Charles Button, the high school jock. No one really likes Charles accept Phoebe, my best friend who has had a nose cringing crush on him since first grade. I always tell her she is way too good for him and should move on, but of coarse girls being girls, she thinks I am JEALOUS of her and Charles "relationship". Argh i wish she'd understand!


Saved by the bell once again. Phoebe moans as the bells rings continuously ensuring all the students heard. "I haven't even told you the best part about the date" Phoebe wines, not that i care but i reply with a simple shrug of the shoulders and a slightly disappointed face.

"We should probably get to English before Mr Polegate cuts our throats for being late" I insist as i slightly nudge Phoebe into the English building.

"Alright, alright" Phoebe agrees as she shoves her phone into her back pocket, i assume she was texting Charles. Rolling my eyes as she mumbles slightly inappropriate words.

We enter the English room expecting to be yelled at for being late once again but it seems Mr Polegate is introducing a new student, a new HOT student! We scurried to our seats, Phoebe and mine at the centre of the room ensuring we weren't the misbehaving wanna-be's sitting at the back or the goody to shoes actually listening at the front.

As we were about to take a seat, a loud yell could be heard "miss Jenkins and Miss Davies, late again are we?" slight murmurs and giggles we coming from the surrounding classmates. "Detention after school for the rest of the week!" Phoebe and i both moan as we take out our books and laptops ready for the lesson. We decided to actually behave this lesson, in case Mr Polegate grew a heart and let us off early after school, obviously that wasn't gonna happen, at least we could try soften up that old wrinkly bloke standing in front of us, holding his belly gut as if he were pregnant.

"This is Harry, a new student of ours that will be joining this class" Mr Polegate explains in a slightly agitated tone, "please make him welcome and NO first day pranks!" Sir looks towards the back of the room knowing all to well that it will happen considering a prank has been pulled on every new kid this year.

This curly headed boy with bright opal-coloured eyes and a huge ear to ear, dimply smile walks toward Phoebe and I as he introduces himself "Harry, Harry Styles, nice to meet you...?" We both giggle as we get charmed by his amazingly manly British accent until it got awkward as we realised he was asking for our names.

"I'm Lilly Davies and this is my best friend, Phoebe Jenkins, nice to meet you too" i say quite awkwardly considering what happened previously. He smiles and I'm pretty sure he laughed as he went and sat in our row but a few chairs over.

We, as in Phoebe and i breathe in relief as we both look at each other and "I think I'm in love" we both say in sinc laughing.

As the lesson started everyone began whispering about how gorgeous the new guy was and how charming his accent is. Before i knew it the lesson was over and i was practically drooling, after staring at the boy who was very focused but yet very mysterious.

Harry walks over to me and Phoebe and scratches the back of his neck as he seemed quite embarrassed to ask but was quite concerned "um do you know where i can find room B11?" His deep, musky, English accent asked.

"Um yeah we are heading jn that direction, want me to show you?" I asked as he slightly nodded his head.

After a few minutes of walking we reached the room B11, i looked inside quickly as i realised he has Miss Smith, my favourite teacher. "You will love this teacher, she is so nice!" I exclaim to this mysterious boy.

"Ah yes so I've been told" he smirks. We stood outside for an awkwardly amount of time before we both tried to speak, i giggled and let him talk first, thanking me he then went all red, which i thought was quite cute. "Do you mind if i have your number, you know in case i get lost or if i want to hang out with you?" Nodding agreeingly i handed him a piece of paper with my number on it and waved as i walked away.

Gee that was awkward i thought to my self, well i thought i thought it to myself until Phoebe walks up and asks. "What was awkward?" She was genuinely curious and i knew my face was already going red, so i decided to tell her about what happened previously "you two are totes gonna date" she exclaims her abbreviated words and i didn't think it was possible but my cheeks got redder as i quickly change the topic.

"We should get to class" i say without waiting for a reply i quickly walk off to class, sitting in my usual seat i opened my book and start to read until Phoebe came to sit next to me.

"Are yous gonna hang?" She asks as i simply reply with a slight shoulder shrug and a look on my face that i cant describe, i guess it was between not knowing and really wanting it to happen.

*ding* *ding* i had gotten two messages, wondering who it could possibly i open them up to find my heart fluttering as i read;

Unknown Number: Hey It's Harry, the new guy :)
Unknown Number: i was wondering if you wanna, you know hang after your detention today? :)

Quickly changing his name from unknown number to Harry and replying with a quick "yep" i put down my phone as the lesson starts. All lesson the only thing i could think of was this beautiful boy who may be interested in me, a boring brown hair, brown eyed, no talented girl? What could he be thinking?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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