Day 1

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I was walking around the school after cheerleading practice. I was supposed to get a ride home from my cheerleader friend, (close friend's name), but I couldn't find (her/him/them).

I was still in my uniform and the school was nearly a ghost house.

I then heard my friend behind me. "Hey (your name)! Come here! We are leaving!"

I was very happy. I was relived that I could finally leave this place. Well, at least until school tomorrow. I ran to her, throwing my backpack to the ground "(close friend's name) (close friend's name)! I'm here!"

Then, out of nowhere, I got dunked with freezing water.

I heard (close friend's name) start laughing and then I heard her obnoxious friend's laugh from behind. "Omg (close friend's friend's name) we are too good!" They high fived and laughed.

"(close friend's friend's name)? (close friend's name)? Wh-why?" I spoke in tears.

"ughh. (your name) you can't take a prank can you." (close friend's friend's name) sneered.

The two of them then walked off. I ran off and started to cry. But then I bumped into a tall, ginger haired boy.

I looked up at him because I am shorter and he looked at me with a straight face and softly spoke, "Why are you crying?"

I stood there soaking wet, cold, and crying in my cheerleading uniform.

I sniffled and looked down, "My friends ditched me. They pored ice water on me and laughed at me."

He then gave me a small smile and took off his jacket. He draped it over me. It was soft like plush. "You must be cold. You said you are alone?"

I nodded and sniffled.

"Well I could give ya a ride. It's no big deal. I've been anxious to fly anyways."

Fly? Did he say. Fly?

He spreaded out his machine wings and kneeled down.

Wait! I barely know this guy! And now he is offering me a ride?!

He looked up at me with his blue and red eyes.

I was scared. Who is this guy and why is he a machine? I thought.

He must have seen the fear behind my (your eye color) eyes. He stood up "I apologize. This must be very scary for you. A random chimera offers you a ride."

He looks down and sighs, "I wasn't always a machine. I was like you. My eyes used to be both blue. These robot wings shouldn't be here. And I shouldn't have this arm. It's not normal. It's a cannon. I should just have nothing here. Well. To be honest... I shouldn't be here at all. I should be dead right now."

I was very scared now. What did he mean?! What is this guy?! I stepped back but he grabbed my hand.

"Look. I'm going to be honest here. I want to help you. Because." He froze and looked up at me with confidence. "It's because I wanted to get to know you. You seem very kind and sweet and you looked really down and I wanted to help you."

I couldn't help but smile a bit. I held his hand back "Okay"

He smiled and nodded and I climbed on his back and wrapped my arms around him. My face turned bright pink. This kid wasn't even that much older than me and I'm already putting my arms around him and holding his hand. We just met and it's already like a romance novel.

"Hang on!" He yelled. I tightened my grip but was sure not to choke him. I didn't want that to leave a bad impression of myself.

He took off and it scared me but once he was in the air it was absolutely amazing! Even as a little girl, I always dreamed of the day I could fly, but not in like an airplane, like a bird. I looked at birds and they looked so free! I wanted to experience that freedom in the bright blue (your Country name) sky. And now I am!

Cheerleader Bows and Chimera FoesWhere stories live. Discover now