Unexpected visitor (kellins pov)

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The boys and I have just gotten of tour and finally have some down time. This time is usually reserved for video games and movie marathons. Currently I'm sitting around with the rest of my band watching MTV. That is until I hear these loud sirens.
"Hey I can't hear the TV! Kellin can you go close the window?" My band member Justin complains.
" yeh sure just give me a sec"
I walk over to the lounge room window. Just as I'm about to close the window I hear voices. I make out one to be a girl and the other a guy. I put it together quickly that they are running from the police. They however run out of my vision as they run down the ally next to my house.
Curiosity got the better of me and I go peek out the window in my bedroom.
I see the kids and from here they look scared. I remember when that was me when i was younger. The girl pushes the boy up into the wall in the ally. Hey that boy looks a lot like Leon My bestfriend Vic fluentes kid. Let's hope not or else he will get hell when he gets home. Leon flees the scene and I watch the girl start to panic. She must be a good friend for what she did. That's something I admire, loyalty. She looks up to the window and I move out of the way hoping she didn't see me. I wait for a bit before I look back out. Where did she go? I turn around to go back down stairs but stop when I hear a thump.
She was in my room and she didn't look good.
"Are you okay" I ask trying not to scare her.
She looks towards the sound of my voice, pauses, and then passes out.Ouch that must have hurt.
"Kellin what's going on up there?"
Justin calls out.
"Come up here I need your help"
I answer back.
I can hear the sound of him coming up the creaky staircase.
"What do you w.. Who is that kellin"
"I don't know she was running from the cops and now she's here, unconscious". I have my back to him so I can't see his reaction but I can hear the panic in his voice.
"Dude are you crazy she might be nuts. She has obviously done something bad. She could be a criminal or worse."Justin keeps rambling on but I don't really pay attention.
"Just help me put her on my bed"
I ask him for help.
"Okay ready Kellin 1 2 3" we heave her onto my bed which didn't take much effort since she was scary light.
" where is everybody eles?" I start to wonder why they aren't here.
" oh shit I forgot they are waiting in the car for me! I have to go will you be alright here with her" I look at Justin as he leaves the house with out my reply.
"I hope so" I mumble under my breath. I look towards her as she begins to stir. Well this is going to be interesting.

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