Chapter 6: My Saviour

Start from the beginning

“No, why?” I spoke 

Jake immediately dragged me to the couch and pinned me down “Good” He began tugging at my clothes, and hurting me. He took off his shirt and began talking mine off. I screamed “TYLER” Jake’s lips traced my neck and ripped my shirt off. Leaving me in my bra, he put his hand around my waist.  I screamed even louder. “SOMEONE HELP ME” Tyler wasn’t coming down, where could he go I thought. I tried pushing Jake off of me but he was to strong. “Stay still and It’ll be less painful. Jake hands traced my bare body and he began tugging at the button of my jean “GET OFF OF ME’ I screamed. Jake leaned on kissing me and tracing my neck with is lips. I kept hitting my fists against his chest and suddenly I heard a loud bang upstairs. Jake didn’t care, he was to busy trying to molest me. His hands cupped by breast, he was about to rip off my bra when.......

Tyler lunged himself at Jake and dragged him off of me. Tyler began throwing punches at him, and wouldn’t stop “TYLER LEAVE HIM” I screamed. Tyler stopped “You still care about him?” “NO”I cried. 

“Jake, I’m going to call the cops in  5 mintues get out before you can, and never come back” I yelled 

Jake came up to me one last time and punched me hard, I felt like my ribs cracked and I fell immediately clutching my stomach in pain.  Tyler pushed Jake away, and helped me. I saw Jake had a vase in his hand and was about to hit Tyler. "TYLER BEHIND YOU" I screamed.  Jake jumped on Tyler, but Tyler reacted fast and threw a punch at Jake. Jake fell backwards, he grabbed the vase and threw it at Tyler. It hit Tyler's head and he immedaitely collapased. I dragged myself to Tyler's side. He had fainted. "TYLER WAKE UP" I screamed. It was no use, I saw Jake coming for me. I screamed, he grabbed me from my hair, and pulled me up. I kicked him, and ran, but he was running after me. "GET AWAY FROM ME" I cried. I tripped and Jake lunged himself at me, I rolled to the side getting away from him and ran for the stairs. He ran after me and grabbed my leg as I ran up. He pulled me down, "I'VE GOT YOU NOW"  


Jake flung me over his shoulder and carried me to the room. I hit him, and tried my best but it wasn't working. He threw me on my bedroom floor, and locked the door behind him. He approached me and I crawled away. I hit the back wall, and looked for something to throw at him, but my bad luck had stricked again. He picked me up and threw me onto the bed. He played with my hair, and held my chin. He kissed me, and I tried to force him off me. His hands traced down to my stomach, and played with the button on my jeans. I knew there was no one to help me now and I was done for. Tyler was unconicous and I was about to be raped. Jake got the button open, and began taking the jeans off, but then the door burst open. I saw Tyler, I pushed Jake off of me and ran to Tyler and hugged him. He was bleeding but he didn't care. He ran over to Jake and beat the living shit out of him "DON'T FUCKEN TOUCH MY GIRL" he yelled. 

Jake tried to fight back but couldn't and ran out of the house. Tyler came over to me, I sat him down on the bed and wiped the blood away from his head. 'Are you okay?" he asked. 

 I faked a smile "Yeah"  I was in alot of pain, and felt terrible. I started to shake and was about to fall, but Tyler caught me and placed me on the bed.  I saw Tyler trudge over to my cupboard and find me new clothes. He helped me up and began to take the ripped shirt off of me."We should get you to a doctor fast." he spoke. He gentaly put a fresh new shirt on me, and I thanked him. “Tyler about what you said earlier, I have to say something as well” I stated 

He looked at me funny “Go on….”

“I love you as well” I blurted out. 

“Aria, I’m glad you feel that way as well” he said as he placed his lips against mine. 

Tyler rolled into my bed, his lips still clashing against mine. His hands cupped around my face, and I fellt more pulled into the kiss. His tounge started to explore every inch corner of my mouth  and mine did the same. 

Nathan’s POV: 

Milan was on a date tonight and he wanted me to check up on Aria. This was her first time staying home alone, and Milan was worried about her. As I unlocked the front door and walked in I noticed the house was a mess. There was broken glass on the ground, blood stains on the couch and a pieces of ripped clothing. I immediately started looking for Aria, she was no where to be seen. I ran up the stairs and looked in the first three rooms but she wasn’t there. I finally approached the last bedroom and opened the door, “Tyler……”  

I was shocked to see Tyler and Aria, in bed together in a full out make out session. Thank god they were still fully clothed I thought. “guys whats going on?” I questioned. 

“Look Nathan, its not what it looks like” said Tyler. 

“Then what is it?” I asked 

Tyler explained to me, what happened with Jake. I couldn’t believe we never knew this was going on. I hugged Aria, I was mad at her for not telling us but I could understand the situation well. “Tyler I need to talk to you, and Aria we need to get you to a doctor fast you don't look to good, And Tyler you need a couple of stictches as well"

Tyler and Me walked into the backyard and sat down. “Tyler you can’t date Aria, you know that right? Milan told you to stay as far away from as possible” 

“I can’t do that, I love her” Tyler replied

“Tyler if your love means having sex and then forgetting her, you can’t have it like that. We won’t let you hurt her like that” 

“Nathan I actually love her. I don’t just want her for sex” he stated. 

I began to speak “I’m sorry, she off limits” 


“She is off limits and that is it.” I replied. 

Tyler was mad and stormed off. He acted like such a kid at times. 

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