Chapter 1

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"You know you can't hide from me, you wench." Gina pressed her back against the bark of a tree and willed her breath to even out to a quiet sound. She could hear her pursuer slow to a walk, as he had realized that she was hiding and not running anymore. The crunch of the leaves under his shoes told Gina he was walking in the other direction.

After catching her breath she thought, "This is my chance. I have to give it everything I have if I have any wish of escaping him again!"

Gina pushed off of the bark and darted through the trees, all the time hoping she wouldn't trip on anything. She could hear the shouts of the man following her as he signaled his posse in her direction. As she ran, her lungs started to burn and her legs started to ache. It felt like daggers were being stabbed into her thighs.

"I've come this far, there's no way I'm giving up now! "She pressed forward all the harder as she dodged trees and branches. Just up ahead she began to see a clearing. As she sprinted to the clearing she could see that it was road. She ran to the opposite side and started to run along the road but hidden just inside the trees on the other side.


Gina was starting to feel real fatigue as she walked along the road. She had taken a turn onto another road from the one she was on before and hadn't heard her pursuers in a couple of hours. As she noticed the sky was getting dark, she determined in her mind that if she didn't find a place to stay before dark, she would make a camp in the woods. Just as she made this a point in her head she saw a metal gate up ahead. Peeking around the edge of the trees she saw an old, enormous mansion set back from the gate.

Looking around to make sure there was no one watching, she then slipped through the gate and started walking up to the front door. In the darkening night, headlights from a vehicle pierced the growing darkness. She ducked behind the edge of the fountain in front of the mansion and peeked over the top of the ledge.

"Crap! If he catches me now it all would have been for nothing...." She holds her breath as she watches her pursuer through the window of his passing car. He and his posse search the roadside looking for her as they drive on past the gate.

"Phew" Gina turns and falls on her butt and sits there a second while trying to calm her racing heart. After a moment she gets up and walks to the front door. She knew she had to be careful but this place did look kind of old. Maybe it was empty and she could just rest here for the night.

She reaches for the knocker on the front door and gives it three knocks. Silence.... As she reached for the handle the door started to open. She looked up expecting to see a butler or maid.... or SOMEONE! She stared into empty doorway for a few moments before collecting herself.

As she walked in she took in the huge room before her and realized if someone didn't live there now, then it hadn't been long since someone had.

"Hello!" she shouted. "Is anyone home?!" She looked around but didn't see anyone. She looked around again, taking in her surroundings, before she wandered into the room off to her right. She had just reached the doorway when she saw a figure lying on a sofa under a window.

"Excuse me." She didn't want to disturb him but she when she thought about the possibility of being caught if she just left... She shuddered as she approached the figure on the sofa. "Excuse me." she said again.

As she neared, the light from the moon,now risen, outside shone down on his face through the window revealing to her his handsome features. She took in his calm face framed by his gorgeous red hair. He wore a suit jacket with slacks and a white button up shirt that was opened at the collar revealing his toned chest and around his neck was a red tie.

She took a step closer in order to try to gently shake his shoulder until he awoke, but before her hand reached his arm he spoke.

"Who dares awake me while I am trying to sleep?"

So I hope you enjoy it so far. I am actually looking forward to writing this and seeing how it turns out (cause I don't even know yet... XD) I would love some input on how I can improve but try to be kind, this is my first fanfic, so....

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