Chapter One: Rich

Start from the beginning

"I'm just here to make sure you get your key to your room and know how to get there," She smiles again. I hope I actually go blind. "I'm Tiffany." She holds her hand out and instead of shaking it, I start laughing like an idiot.

"Sorry, she's a little nervous," My mom says and I can't stop laughing because her name is actually Tiffany. I look down at her shoes. Yep, 200 dollar heels paired with skinny jeans and a white polo shirt.

"Okay, well we all get like that sometimes," Tiffany says. I hiccup, trying to compose myself.

"Where's my room, Tiffany?" I try not to laugh on her name. One person successfully already knows I'm a freak and I haven't even entered the building yet. I'm off to a great start.

"What's your last name?"


Tiffany looks down her clipboard and then goes to the golf cart to dig around in a basket of keys. My parents are getting everything out and I realize I don't have a lot of stuff.

I wait with them until Tiffany slaps a key into one of my hands. She starts blabbing about which room I'm in and oh now she's handing me a piece of paper with rules on it. She keeps talking but I read it.

All students must be in their rooms by 11 pm

No drugs or alcohol of any sort are allowed anywhere on campus

No girls in the boy's rooms/bathrooms

No boys in the girl's rooms/bathrooms

No sexual activities are allowed on campus

You must pay the required amount or keep a 3.0 gpa or face immediate expulsion

The list kind of goes on for miles so I stop. I doubt half the kids listen to the rules, its snooty rich assholes I bet they light shit on fire and kick trashcans.

"If you're ready to go to your room right now I can help you get there!" She blinds us with her pearly whites.

In my head I'm saying I'd rather die than spend another minute with your perkiness but a yes comes out.

"I guess this is where we separate," My dad clasps my shoulder.

"Wait, what? You're leaving? That's child abuse! You can't just leave me here you don't even know where I'll be sleeping at night!" I'm freaking out, my skin feels itchy.

"Oh, honey," My mom touches my cheek. I think she's going yo say something nice. She's proud of me. She loves me. "Don't be so dramatic." Of course.

She kisses my cheek and gives me a hug. I limply hug her back. Dad is next and I hold him until I feel like my bones are going to dissolve.

"Alright, we have a long drive back, Anna," My dad kisses my forehead. They leave me in the cold with Tiffany. I hate them for it.

The next 10 minutes, Tiffany and I put my suitcases on the golf cart and make our way to my new room that I'll be sharing with a total stranger.

Tiffany rambles about how I'll love the on campus food, expensive coffee, homemade meals made by the best chefs and how the bathrooms are always clean and smell like lavender.

The whole place is literally a castle, I feel like I should be wearing a ball gown and rushing home when the clock strikes midnight.

We get to another part of the citadel looking building and Tiffany helps me find my room. The halls are quiet except for a few people moving into their rooms. You could have showed up days ago to move in but I guess I like being late to things.

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