The back with a low V-backed style with a large lace tie bow.

veil: a shorter veil. goes 6 inches past the chest area and in the back only goes to the hips. very flowy. white lace. held up with the clip."

This wedding had diverted her mind. Diverted her mind from the reality, from the reality that someone wanted her and someone was after her. She had spent a week in LA few days back. She had tried to find Henry and any clue that would make me look innocent but nothing. She had just wasted her 7 days. Nothing happened. Instead Danny stayed with her all the remaining days.

She tried to remember the night when Danny had come to her place, which was precisely 15 days back. She remembered how he acted. He acted as nothing happened. Like everything was okay. Although there company was still not safe as they hadn't find the one after it or whatever Henry. She hated to call him "the one after". Henry was labelled as the one. Danny acted strangely that day and she didn't felt comfortable with him. Something was wrong.


She checked her mobile.

"It was Beth's picture."

She had just send her a picture of her and Danny kissing near the lake.

They both looked perfect she thought.

"How can people be so perfect?" She felt happy for her. She had always. Beth was someone really special to her life. Her one and only precious asset. HER BEST FRIEND. Best friends are rare in life. Not everyone can be your Perfect best friend.

She tried to remember every moment she had spent with her.

"She tried to remember her first day at school when no one offered to have friendship with her but she did. She had offered her hand towards her."

"She tried to remember the time when Beth had saved her life. When she was coming to her house."

"Also the time when they had studied together just before their exams. And their questions and laughs. And the discussions just after the exam ended. And partying right after they ended. "

"The time when they had visited each others house. And watched a good Horror movie together and Night staying was the best thing they ever did. It had always entertained them both."

"The time when they both had been punished by their Math Teacher. And they both had been standing outside the class in the hallway with their hands over their ears."

Those are the moments. School life is just perfect. Every moment is special and is a memory.

"Most importantly it was due to Beth, Alice got the chance to meet Henry. She was thankful to her for that and will be forever. Although their relation had never been good but it was enough for her and She loved him. Henry was the one, the only."

5:30pm, Evening;

She was standing near her window looking outside, with her earplugs plugged to her ears.

"Music was one thing which offered her peace. It always had. She was thankful to that. At least there was one thing that offered her peace in this world."

She missed her mom even more these days. Although she never needed her but she loved her and she had always been there for her. She cared for her like Beth did.

"You remember the worth of something when its gone."

The view outside was okay. She saw two children playing outside with their parents. Also a girl and boy were also passing. Walking maybe. Of same age she guessed.

"Perfect. They look sooo." she tried to examine every bit of them and imagined herself with Henry. And how will they look when they walk like this hand in hand. But it was of no use. She was dumb ass. She was the dumbest person alive. She didn't know where on Earth Henry was and how was he.

"Oh God. Why is this life so hard on me?" She questioned loudly.

The week in LA was completely useless. Krista never showed up again. She had called her several times but it was as if she was blocking and avoiding her. She had also visited her company. It looked the same but she didn't liked it. She just wanted to run away from there. She had the strange feeling of running away from everything. She never felt peaceful or Okay there And Danny kept acting strangely. She had tried to find Evidences for Henry was failed to do so.

Alice was hungry now. She had just drank a cup of milk this morning. She needed to something to eat.

15 minutes later:

She was sitting on her table with the news on.

She was eating the sandwich which she usually made: Chicken spread with mayonnaise on it. Two of these sandwiches were enough for her. She ate less these days. She had no time for that. Actually she had but she was too lazy for that. This Henry matter had made her lazy and useless. She just kept on thinking about him and nothing else.

"Why is it so easy for the guy but not for a girl?"

She was eating her last bite when she heard his name being called. She looked towards the tv.

"It seems as if Henry is after a mission again. Reporter told that Danny the owner of the Executives company says that he got an unknown message saying that they got a bomb threat. And that Henry is now planning to destroy the whole company."

"What is it that he wants now? Danny Antonio reported he had provided him with all of the money but he still needs something more. Police is on its way to support the company and save it from the threat. More security is activated there. Anyone who sees him please contact on the following no: .... "

She saw the number on the screen.

Alice was in a great shock. What was happening with her? Was she blind?

"What is Danny doing?" Alice was worried now.

She dialed his no.

"Voice mail."

She started;

"Mr. Danny who do you think you are. You are not the one and only owner of this company. Remember we are 50% partners. And what do you think you are doing? Saying every bit of it on the tv and reporting everything to everyone. Who do you think you are to spoil our company's reputation. huh? I am not there in LA, it doesn't mean you can do everything without even asking me. And why Henry? Do you even know anything about him? He is the sweetest person alive. I have spent like a negligible time with him but I know he cant harm anyone. Do you even have any proof against him for this bomb threat? And where the hell is this Krista? Why isn't she answering my calls and mails. What is wrong with all of you? I always thought you were a good person and you were different but you never know. Call me ASAP. Danny please."

She sat at her lounge sofa this time. The sofa which belonged to her father.

10 minutes later:

She was still sitting there crying. Her vision was blur now. She tried to calm herself. She had been crying from the past 10 minutes and she didn't even realized she was sitting at his chair. She cleaned her face and looked around her.

"Oh crap ! " She stood up staring at the sofa this time. She just realized she was sitting at his Father's sofa.

Memories of her father floated all over her mind. She tried to shut them but it was not helping.

She grabbed her coat and her keys and ran outside.

She was sitting in her car when she decided something.

"Henry I am coming wait for me" She was sure this time.

This time she would go alone without telling anyone. Away from everyone.

"LA here I come."




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