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Hey guys! This is my first chapter so please comment if I should continue or not. This book does involve violence, soppy romance and mild language. This chapter is dedicated to my favorite writer here on wattpad who is XxSkater2Girl16xX. Go read her stories now!


I watched the movie with a bored expression, the 3D glasses perched on the end of my nose. My friends were cowering into each others shoulders as the chainsaw cut through the cops head. I almost laughed in amusement. It wasn't that scary.

Looking across the row of seats we had reserved, I saw Liam looking back at the screen with a very amused expression, shoving popcorn into his mouth as his laugh echoed around the theatre. He was earning many hard and annoyed looks but he ignored them. He must of felt a gaze on him and he turned his head to look at me.

I waved in greeting and motioned a sleeping person. Liam smiled at me, flipping his blond hair from his dazzling blue eyes. He is seriously smoking hot! How didn't I notice it before? Sure, we had hooked up a few times but we hadn't ever held a real conversation. He turned back to the screen when a massive scream erupted from my friend, Katie's, mouth.

I turned back to see a woman having a knife shoved though her back and her heart on the knife when it was pulled out. A very loud laugh came from Liam's mouth and a man smacked him up the head from the seat behind us. I worry about that boy sometimes.

An iron grip grabbed my arm, nails digging into my flesh and i jumped, staring at Sam is amusement. Her ginger hair was sticking up in all ways possible from constant fingers running through and her makeup wiped all over her face from covering her eyes and crying.

"Chill out," I mumbled, trying to peel off her fingers without success. She only clung onto me harder. I sighed in defeat and flopped back in my seat, finding it very hard not to fall asleep out of boredom. This movie was clearly fake so I don't know why everyone was screaming.

I finally gained my arm back and blood was running through it once again so I was happy. Still a whole hour of this shitty movie. How fantastic. At least they didn't drag me to see The Notebook playback. That would have been so boring.


"Thank God!" I breathed when we went out into the open air, the wind whipping over my face and through my hair, making me sigh in relief. I flung my arms to the sky, in hope to get rid of some of the sweat and smell from my pits.

"Libby, did you find that scary?" Sam asked with a smug expression. I looked at her with a blank look and her smug mask vanished, a sour look replacing it. "Damn, you are fearless!" I rolled my eyes but didn't bother to reply to her. 'Course I was scared of stuff. Guys who were banagolava's scare me, as well as twelve year old girls with bright blue eyeshadow and orange foundation.

We strolled around town for a little while, window shopping. I mostly looking into Forever 21 or the Victoria's Secret fan shop with the thongs and string bra's. Yes, Some may consider me as a slut or a skank but I don't care.

"Let's go grab a pizza!" Liam announced, slinging his arm around my shoulders. I smirked a little and let him drag me along towards Pizza Hut. We all entered and followed the waitress to a spare booth and we sat down on the red leather seats.

Liam pressed against my side, resting his hand on my knee whilst I was pushed against the wall. I smiled at him seductively and his brown orbs darkened a shade, looking away before he got too excited. I trailed my eyes down his body and saw a very distinct boner pressing against his jeans.

We ordered dinner and chatter erupted around the group, about the newest romantic movie coming up. I wasn't listening. I zoned out and something warm ran up my thigh, with soft fingers. I glanced at Liam from the corner of my eye to see him nodding along with some conversation. Biting my lip, I took a sip from my pepsi to try and hold back a moan... Which would be hard to explain.

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