Discovering a Whole New World (Various 8th grade POV's)

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Serena's POV

I groaned as I rubbed my head and sat up. I blinked a few times and looked around, I saw my entire 8th grade class spread around me on the ground. I stood up and dusted myself off... before realizing that I had no idea where I was. I picked up my bags and nudged the person nearest me with my  foot. It turned out to be Avery, one of my EF's (extended family). 

"What?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Where are we?" I looked around at the new, unfamiliar landscape, to be honest it was scary. I had no idea where we were and to make matters worse, I had some of the last people stranded with me that I'd want to be stranded with.

Avery picked up her backpack and looked around, inhaling sharply. "Serena?" "Yeah?" "Does this place look suspiciously like a place that isn't supposed to exist?" I tilted my head and looked at her, then turned in a circle and noticed that there was something... off about this place. How all the girls and women were wearing skirts or dresses, how there was a noticeable lack of technology-looking things, and how everything looked like it was set in the 80's! 

My mouth dropped open and my knees felt weak, we had somehow gotten into the world of the book 'The Outsiders'! I took a few deep breaths (ok, ok I was hyperventilating) and calmed down (not really but, oh well). I turned to Avery, "You know what we have to do now, right?" Her eyes gleamed and I could tell she was just as excited as me, maybe more. I smiled, then looked down at the sleeping figures by my feet, "We have to take them with us, and explain everything." She gave me a 'Do we have to?' look. I sighed, "We can't leave them here, if we do they'll get jumped." Her shoulders slumped, "Alright, well, let's get going. We need to find The House before it gets dark." 

She said The House like it was the title of something, something sacred that deserved to be worshiped. I rolled my eyes but could hardly contain my own excitement. We set to work, waking up the rest of the teens.                                                                                                                                                                     

The sun was setting as we managed to wake them all up, we somehow arrived in late afternoon, even though it had been about 8:00 a.m. when we left. Christina was the first one to talk, "Where are we?" I exchanged a glance with Avery, before turning to the group behind me. "Guys, this may seem weird but you have to trust us on this. Just pick up all your stuff and follow us." As I turned back toward our destination, I expected to hear someone open their mouth and ask an obnoxious question, but all I heard was silence. "They must really be trusting us," Avery muttered, from my right. I could barely nod, my mind was set on finding the few people I knew we could trust..... The Outsiders. 

Avery's POV

I glanced back frequently, making sure we still had everyone. So far, so good. It was getting dark as we navigated our way through the streets of Tulsa. I really had no idea where we were going until I saw the movie theater in the distance. The very same movie theater that held the famous line, 'When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind, Paul Newman and a ride home.' 

I smiled as I finally recognized some of our surroundings, I took the lead as we walked past the train tracks. I remembered that Ponyboy got jumped in the beginning of the movie, I really hoped that didn't happen to us, that was the last thing we needed right now. In the distance I saw the lights of a fair-sized, white house glowing. 

I felt my heart leap when I saw the familiar fence and Darry's truck. I hoped the whole gang was in the house, it would make everything easier to explain. I bumped into Serena in front of the gate, she had stopped as if frozen in time. She turned to me, worry in her eyes. "How are we going to explain this to everyone?" I opened my mouth to reassure her but closed it again when I was met with my own worries and doubts. "Guys? What's going on?" I turned to see twenty-two pairs of eyes on Serena and I. I took a deep breath and smiled, "Almost there." Serena opened the gate with her hands shaking. She walked through and I quickly herded everyone in after her, before following myself and closing the gate. 

Again our miniature army had stopped, this time in front of the door. "Should we knock or just barge in?" Serena had her hand raised, ready to knock. I pushed my hair out of my face, "Let's knock." Serena nodded and knocked gently. We waited a few minutes and she knocked again, louder this time. We heard a few footsteps and a voice say, "I got it!" The door was suddenly yanked open and I found myself face to face with none other than Ponyboy Curtis. 


Hey! So how's life? I updated! And fast too! (This is where you clap) *claps and cheers really loudly* Thank you, thank you! So I'm trying to make my chapters longer, but I'm usually on my phone and now I'm not soooooooo. Um, comment, vote, follow. Please! Also, while we are on the subject of following people please go follow 2KrazyWinIt. (I really hope I did that right) He has great stories and is an awesome person. Urm, I think that's all, so until next time my wonderful Oreos! And as bonus a quote or two to brighten your day (or night)! 

'We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on, that's who we really are.' - Sirius Black

'Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light.' - Albus Dumbledore

'If there's one thing I've learned over the eons, it's that you can't give up on family, no matter how tempting they make it.' - Hermes

'I'm not choosing one of your paths, I'm making my own.' - Hazel

'Hope is the only thing stronger than fear!' - President Snow

'Fire is catching, and if we burn, you burn with us!' - Katniss Everdeen

So yeah. This is finally, officially good-bye for this chapter. Bye my beautiful Oreos! You are all beautiful, never let anyone tell you differently. 

                                                                 Stay Gold! Love, ME!

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