The Nobody (Kingdom Hearts II Poem)

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First of all, this will make more sense if you know the storyline to Kingdom Hearts II (or 1 at least) because then you'll have a better idea of what's going on. Basically I got bored one day and decided to take my chance at some fan-fiction poetry. I have a lot more (not fanfic) poetry, but honestly I'm just posting this because I want opinion, and I also want to drag attention to my profile. ;) Enjoy~!

Edit: I can't believe so many people have read this. Love. <3

The Nobody

Deep in the shadows of the Superior's den,

          a bright soul enters, to be seen never again.

One year later the shadows grow,

           engulf the world as it did ages ago.

The world turned dark as the stories say,

          the hero walked out the very next day.

But when the hero returned, he came with a twin,

          a shadow so helpless, preventing light's win.

Against darkness and evil, it is but his fate,

          the road to victory is blocked by a gate.

When the shadow's world is broken and crushed,

          his people arrive, silent and hushed.

They take him away and give him a task,

          to serve for their group, and to hide with a mask.

So as the world was forgotten and torn,

          young Sora came back.. and Roxas was born..


The Nobody (Kingdom Hearts II Poem)Where stories live. Discover now