A Change of Heart Chapter 2

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While the car took Criss to the airport he kept thinking if he'd ever have a heart transplant. The list for organ transplant is probably as long seventeen football fields and I'm probably second in line he thought. Criss could remember the doctor telling him that it could be months or years before they could find a heart for Criss and giving that Criss has a rare blood type: AB double negative it would be twice as hard.

Criss knew he had to fight to stay alive but he knew it was only a matter of time before he ended up meeting his father at the pearly gates. When he got there Spencer and Krystyn were talking. "Hey guys" Criss said getting out. Krystyn took one look at Criss and knew that he wasn't doing good. "Criss are you sure you want to come considering you're in heart-".

Ever since Criss was diagnose with heart failure everyone treated him with kid glove which drove Criss crazy. "Don't say it I hate hearing that word!!" Criss exclaimed. "Come on Criss we can tell just by looking at you that your heart isn't working good and I don't think a plane ride to New Jersey is worth your health" Spencer stated. Criss is getting aggravated at everyone treating him like a child and telling him how to run his life .

"Listen I don't fucking care if I die in the air or here in Las Vegas now let's go!!" getting on the plane. "JD is right you are a stubborn ass" Krystyn muttered getting on the plane. As Criss sat down Molly was sitting across from him. "Hey Criss". Before Criss said a word he grabbed a handkerchief out of his pocket and put it over his mouth as he started to cough. After that Criss wiped his mouth. Molly sat next to him as he was breathing hard. "Krystyn get me that Oxygen I brought".

She hand her the small tank and Molly put a mask over Criss's mouth. "Just take deep breaths Criss" she stated. "Should I call for an ambulance?" the pilot inquired. "No he'll be fine" she remarked as the pilot went into the cockpit. Thank you Criss mouthed. "It's the first time I've lied you need to be in a hospital" as she took the mask off. "If I do die I don't want to be in a hospital hooked up to everything including the TV" Criss replied as Molly chuckled.

"Criss I can tell just be looking at you you have edema in your legs and your stomach-". "I always wonder what I look like with a gut" Criss joked. "Krystyn told me you confused her with your sister in law and that cough episode I saw the mucus was pinkish and foamy. Criss your health is failing and you may end up in the hospital probably when we land". "If it happens Molly than it will" Criss stated and Criss closed his eyes as the plane took off.

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