Chapter 1: Chained like a Pet

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Hey guys!!! This is the first Chapter for Book 2 in Mythical Academy: Mythical War. The beginning is going to be a little weird and have also no reference to the first book, but I promise it will go back. This story took a weird turn than I thought it would so I hope you enjoy it! 

It is a little dark for the first two chapters (WARNING). 

So once again:

The beginning is slightly strange and UNLIKE the first Mythical Academy books. PLEASE NOTE that this changes!!! It will go back to the same 'Mythical Academy' theme to it with the school and the new war.

SO PLEASE try the book!!! Yes the beginning is a little strange, but I promise it all settles nicely!!

Thanks and have fun! <3



I quickly lace up on black boots, my hands working fast and nimbly. A few strands of black hair with streaks of gold get into my blue eyes and I quickly brush it away. I tie my shoes and stand up, casually looking at myself in the full length mirror of my room in the castle.

My mother and father were the famous Queen Kate and King Ethan. Ethan, my father, is a vampire and a lunar eclipse dragon. My mother, Kate, was a solar eclipse dragon with the powers of ice and lightning. They, along with the rest of their 'pack' (though we are considered one big family) defeated the infamous demon king and his apparently annoying daughter (based on my mother's stories). They are considered the best rulers of our time, even if rogue and demon attacks are happening more often in the last few years.

They are still considered the perfect rulers and lovers.

So when it's my turn to rule in two years, I would have pretty difficult time living up to expectations.

The door creaks under the weight of a person. Thanks to my parents, I have both vampire and dragon powers. Meaning: I have extra sensitive senses, extra strength, the ability to turn into a powerful dragon and vampire, and an extra power of super-speed. My sensitive hearing picks up that the person was actually three people.

I narrow my eyes, silently moving towards the door. My finger flicks the light switch, turning off the lights. The door creaks open all the way, revealing three dark bodies.

They start whispering to each other, giggling and mischievously smirking.

I cross my arms and flick on the light switch.

"Ah!!!" Screech the three boys as they jump back in fear, the prank they were about to play on me spilling all over themselves.

I burst out laughing, looking at my little brother and my two cousins that were now covering in a sticky, stinky green goop.

"Damn it Catelyn! And we were sure that we would catch you this time!" growls Alex. Alex was one of the mischievous twin cousins. He had the golden blonde hair and the green eyes that were just like his father's, Uncle Leo. He was also able to transform into lion like his father. His twin, Simon, was silently watching me though amusement and furry played behind his green eyes. However, instead of blonde hair, he had the golden brown hair of his mother, Aunt Anna. He also transformed into a leopard like his mother.

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