Chapter 2

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Liesel's POV
"Get to bed Saumensch or you'll be late for school tomorrow!" Rosa barked at me.
"Good Night, Liesel" Hans whispered.
Most nights it was like this.
Reading until about ten ish, then Rosa yelling at me to go to bed, followed by some kind words from Hans.
Something about it though seemed final.
I didn't realise the reason behind it.
That night, I ignored Rosa, and started writing my book in the basement. I had to get it finished.
I didn't really care if that meant I was late for school.
Maybe it was for the best.
Maybe it wasn't.
I don't really know.
No-one can, really.
As my head slowly rested on the table, my dreams wrapped around me.
Rudy was in my dream that night.
With his family.
And Hans and Rosa.
For some reason they were saying good bye to me.
They all left in a dark black cart, apart from Rudy, who had gone off towards the ampher river and the woods.
Weird how my dreams almost predicted the future.
*Time Lapse*
When I woke up, I was confused and scared. All around me I saw piles of rubble and wood, though it was hard to tell as it was pitch black. I realised I was stuck in the basement.
After yelling for a few hours, two LSE men managed to get me out.
Where was I?
Looking around, the answer hit me in the face. Himmel street. My home. Was in flames. We had been bombed.
Something terrible dawned on me.
No one was around. I was the sole survivor of the Himmel street bombing...........which meant..........
No. It can't mean that. They are still alive. They have to be. I can't lose anyone else.
I thought.
Almost to prove I was wrong, I caught site of Rosa and Hans, lying next to each other. As still as statues.
I saw Hans' eyes wide open.
No. Papa has blue, and calm eyes.
Not dead ones.
I touched Rosa's hands, which felt as cold as ice.
No, Mama has warm hands from being too close to the stove. Not ones belonging to a snowman.
It was too much for me.
My thoughts pulled me away from them.
Quickly, I kissed my parents on their foreheads and ran off in the direction of the Steiner's house.
First, I saw Rudy's Mama on the floor, laying there still. Followed by Rudy's brothers and sisters, all laid next to each other. But no Rudy.
Two feelings grew inside me.
One was sadness, for Rudy's family, for Rosa and Hans, for the whole of what used to be Himmel street.
The second was hope.
Hope, that Rudy could still be around somewhere, still alive. That maybe, Max would survive the concentration camps.
"Rudy! Where are you, Saukerl! Please, Rudy!" I yelled with tears in my voice. "You're all I have left! Where are you, Saukerl?!"
"Rudy? Was he your brother or something? Well, I'm sorry girl to break this to you, but anyone by now who could've survived the bombing is probably dead. Even if they survived the actual bombs hitting, they could be suffocated or infected by wounds" An LSE soldier said to me. " Come on, we have to go and take you to the police office, where they will get you a new home".
I froze.
The soldier was probably right.
Rudy wasn't alive.
He couldn't stand a chance against all the smoke and rubble.
My shaking hands picked up Hans' accordion by my feet. As it was so heavy, I stumbled under the weight of it and lay on the floor.
Slowly, my eyes closed.

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