The Getaway

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A few hours later, the animals found each other and went back to their original homes to meet back with Tiddalick (who was trying to get back to sleep the whole time while the storm was running). "Guys, where did you go? It seemed like ages that I had deep sleep no. 2." Mentioned Tiddalick in confusion.
"Arrrreee wellll, only five hours." Replied kookaburra.
"What!! How can that be?" Tiddalick said, still in confusion. He didn't know how the heck it happened or how it was possible for a storm to go on for that long back in our days. Meanwhile, kangaroo and camel went exploring to hunt for some fully grown trees to snack on. The burning hot sun dried up all the water that had fallen and left the animals with nothing. Kangaroo and camel decided to be thoughtful and get Tiddalick some water to drink since he hadn't had a drink in days. Camel searched high and low with that lengthy neck of his but it was just far too hot for a waterhole or lake to even exist around here. Meanwhile, the rest of the animals lay in starvation and thirst as roo and camel went for a hunt. They didn't know how they were going to survive or even take another step on the dusty red gravel below their feet, until....

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