Jack Gilinsky #1

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Jack's POV
I don't know what happened. It happened all to fast. I felt this burning sensation in my chest. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. I can't believe I just saw what I saw. All I could do was replay that moment in my head. Why, why do things like this always happen to me? The second I'm happy it goes away.

"Jack, I know your here, your cars in the driveway." I hear the voice of my best friend say. No not Jack Johnson my best friend that a girl, y/n. "Please go away. I want to be alone." I call out my voice cracking. No, I won't cry. "Jack, please let me help you. I want to be there for you." I hear her call out, her voice sounded small almost as if she were crying.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and before I could even get the chance to lock my door it opens. Revealing y/n. She pulls me into her small arms and gives me the biggest hug in the world. "I know the last thing you want is for me to ask questions, but I want to help you, so please, tell me what happened." She piped out her voice getting high.

"Madison...boy...bedroom...cheat..." Are the only words I could choke out because I began crying. She hugged me tighter and I buried my head in her neck. I knew she understood me. We've known each other since birth. "Jack, I'm so sorry, I thought she was the one that was really going to treat you right." She says.

"Why?" I ask pulling away from her and flopping on my bed. "Why what?" She asks crawling next to me in bed. "Why does everything good in my life have to go bad?" I ask and continue to cry. "Jack, what about me. I would never walk out of your life." She says wrapping her arms around me. For the first time I realize why I'm always getting hurt and why the only good I have in my life are my friends, family, y/n, and my fans. I can't believe I haven't realized it before, I love y/n, I love my best friend.

I didn't even realize we were leaning in towards each other. We got really close to kissing each other. "Jack, I can't." She says. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't even realize." I say even though I really wanted to kiss her. "I can't hurt you." She says. "Your worried about hurting me?" I asked. She nods her head and looks down. "Baby, look at me." I say, I've always called her baby, baby girl, babe and princess. I tilt her head up at me.

"You could never hurt me, even if you tried, you mean so much to me, I wouldn't let you slip through my fingers just like that, I couldn't live without you, you've been my number one since well forever, my life without you would be like a world without water, it would be non existent." I say and kiss her forehead after. "Really?" She asks. "Really." I say and pull her closer to me. This time when I look at her she starts leaning in so I do to. The second our lips touched something felt weird...

A/N Should I make a part two? Comment if you think I should.

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