chapter 2

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Caleb's pov

It was the end of school and I have not seen Lily since this morning. I see Ravenna head out to the parking lot.

"Hey Ravenna where is Lily" I say while jogging up next to her.

"I couldn't tell you, I haven't seen her since this morning" That made me worried. Ravenna and Lily have almost to all classes together. I hurried to my truck and went faster then I should have but I made it home in 10 minutes flat. I ran up to Lily's room and opened her door to find her scent very faint and her room missing many things. I look at her bed to see what looked like letters on top of the neatly made bed. I picked them up and it looked to be four letters. I found one that had my name. It read:

Dear Caleb,
I am long gone by now. I want you to know that I love you and thank you for protecting me but today I could not handle the rejection of my mate. So I left please don't look for me. Just know that where ever I am I'm okay and I will be just fine. Once again I love you very much and I can't wait to hear about who your mate is love ya bro.

After reading that I took off with the letters to the packhouse. I ran all the way and I didn't even stop for a second. I barged through the door of the packhouse and I ran up the stairs to the alphas office. He and Luna lucy were talking.

"Alpha Darren, Lily she's gone" He stood up abruptly.

"What do you mean" he gave a questioning look.

"She ran away, her mate rejected her" he looked absolutely outraged.

"What is that in your hand" the alpha gestured towards my hand. I hand it to him and he leaves my family and Ravenna's letters alone but he read his. When he finished he slumped into his chair. I took a seat and waited for him to talk.

"Mindlink your parents and Ravenna and if you can your brother okay" I only nod. It only takes a few minutes to contact them all enough to where their on their way even Eli but he will be here in a few days so that puts a delay on things. Once we were all here we waited for Ravenna when someone bursts into the room by the scent it was Ravenna.

"Whats going, what happened to Lily, where is she" her eyes flicking between her normal hazel eyes to a glowing amber. I went up to her and she looked at me.

"Ravennna please go sit down and we will explain everything" she calmed herself and sat down. Once we all quieted down the alpha spoke.

" we have come to an extreme travesty. Lily has ran away due to being rejected by her mate. She wrote letters to all of you" he handed out the letters except the one for Eli. When Ravenna read hers she cried but soon stopped and became angry. Beside me my mom was crying terribly and my dad shook with anger and despair. Ravenna's eyes became a bright glowing amber. She punched the wall and said a string of cuss words. I hope we find her soon. Lily wherever you are we will find and bring you back home.

(Time skip three weeks)

Lily's pov
It has been three weeks and I love it here. Leo is an absolute sweet heart we are only friends but I may have a small crush on him. I also have been hanging out with alpha David's sister, Kaylee . She so amazing although I really miss Ravenna. I hear a knock on my door. I put down my book and turned down my music. I open it to see alpha David.

"Alpha David please come in" he walks in and he has a serious face.

"Alpha what's wrong." He sits on the edge of my bed and let's out a sigh.

"I just got a call from an alpha darren. He wants me to be on the lookout for a 17 year old girl and be even sent me a picture." I sat down next to him and ran a hand through my hair.

"Even though I was only a head warriors daughter alpha darren was a great friend of my dad. He knew since I was a baby he promised my dad if something every happened to us he would take care of us or me." He gave me a side hug. I whipped away the tear that escaped.

"Okay well I told him I would keep an eye out but for you I just might be blind" he nudged me with his shoulder. I let out a little laugh.

"Lily is that you the light is dim!"he said with a laugh and he closed his eyes and fell on top of me. I let out a big laugh.

"Okay okay you have had your fun now get off me your heavy" I said with a light laugh. He got off and got up.

"Dinner is in an hour okay" I nod my head and he left and I turn my music back up and I began reading my book again. Soon this one song came on and it was like a lullaby. Soon I fell asleep on my comfortable bed. Soon I feel myself being shaken awake. I blink a few times to see it was Leo. I let out a small smile. He smiled back. He stroked my hair.

"Hey lil how ya doing"

"Fine I was just sleeping" he grinned.

"I could see that" I pushed his face away gentle and sat up. I laughed a little.

"Oh shut it" he gave a little sad face.

"Oh come on you knew I was kidding" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I know" I nudged His shoulder. He nudged back.

" So Lily it's umm time for dinner". I looked at the clock and saw that dinner was served ten minutes ago.

"Well what are we waiting for" he smiled and took my hand. We walked down to the kitchen to see that people had already got their servings. We grabbed a plate and our dinners and sat down by the alpha. I smiled at them and started to eat quietly. I enjoy it a lot here but I do miss my family and Ravenna but I just am not ready to go back to my old pack. I finished up my meal quickly and get up and clean my dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I hurry back up to the comfort of my room. I go and put some pajamas on and come back out just in time to see my phone signal I have a text. It was Ravenna.

"Look I know you probably won't call or anything like that but please give me something to let me know that alright. Please lil I need to know if your okay" I stand there for a minute and decided to send her a text but there was still that possibility she trace me. I stick to email. I opened my laptop and sent her a quick message then quickly shut it down. I brush my hair and turn off the lights and went to bed and went to a peaceful sleep.

Rejected, Ran, ReturnedWhere stories live. Discover now