"So what do u wanna do??" Mitch asked

"I don't know. I really want to lay down and watch television" I said laying back on Mitch

"Okay...we could do that! Are you tired??" He said

"Very...I had a crazy day at work. Very crazy and tireding day!" I said

"Oh...I see!" Mitch said playing with my hair

"I did...it was really busy and it was only Tate and me! Tate was organizing and opened the cases for the customers and I was checking people out." I said

"Oh I see, there's better people to look at then me." Mitch said seriously "I'm just kidding Austin...I know what you meant."

"Oh my..god..you scared me!!!" I said

"Lol!!! Austin, I got you! But that really sucks...it would have been nicer for someone else to come in so that you guys didn't have to work like crazy!" Mitch replied

"It would have been, but like everyone was sick! Cause it's only me...Tate...Ben..this crazy goth girl and some new girl. And Ben is really sick and the other girls I know there sick...at lease that what I heard. They probably partied all day! But it was nice when we didn't have anyone cause me and Tate would stand on the counter and sing along to the music." I said laughing

"OMG!! You guys are funny!!! Like did you sing to We Came As Romans?? Or what??" Mitch asked

"Yes!!! We have fun...when it only me and Tate or only me and Ben." I said closing my eyes

"I could tell. You guys just better be careful that you don't get in trouble!" He said still playing with my hair

"Keep doing it." I said

"What??" Mitch asked

"Playing with my hair!" I said with my eyes still closed

"Okay...I will." Mitch said

Mitch kept playing with my hair. It felt like he was braiding it. I was so tired I fell asleep.

When I woke up Mitch was asleep. I lightly turned to grab my phone...It was 11:46. Mitch had his arms wrapped around me. Mitch's mouth was wide open and his hair was all in hair was all in his face. He looks beautiful when he sleeps. I took his right hand and moved it to his side so I could go to the bathroom. I got up and tip toed to the bathroom, which was in his room. I didn't even bother to close the bathroom door because it squeaked loudly when you close it. I lifted the toilet seat and lifted my dress and went...then put the toilet seat down quietly. And flushed the toilet and put my dress back down. I went and walked quietly back to his bed. When I got back he was up.

"What time...is..it???" He asked in his sleepy voice

"It's about 12:00. Sorry to wake you up." I said placing my left hand gently ok his face.

"OMG! I thought it would be like...10:00 but is like 12:00. Dang! So are you gonna stay here or are you gonna go home?" He said to me sitting up

"I'm gonna stay here...if you don't care." I said

"I don't mind. But don't you need something to sleep in other then that tight dress?" He asked

"Sure...do you have a big t-shirt I could wear?" I said

"Yeah...here let me get it." He said getting out if bed.

He got up and opened his closet door and searched for the shirt. When he found it he whipped it off the hanger. He walked over and handed it to me and went back and closed the closet door. I took of the hoodie and pulled my dress off. I put on the shirt...it as a Jimi Hendrix shirt. Then I slid in to the hoodie...the shirt stuck out at the bottom...the shirt went down to mid thigh on me.

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