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First, I wanna say Thank You so much redskinsarethebest! THANK YOU! So, here is the second tenrose thingymajigger! It might be short! Sorry!

The Doctor and Rose were at Mickey's birthday party.
"Hey! Who wants to play some party games?"
Mickey called from the side of the room holding up a cup of punch.
Everyone cheered.
"As long as it's not spin the bottle."
Rose crossed her arms.
Mickey pouted.
"Aw come on! Please?"
She shook her head.
"You guys can play without me."
Mickey sighed.
"Can we play charades then?"
Rose nodded.
Mickey gave the Doctor a wink.
What did that mean?
The Doctor thought.
He shrugged it off and went to the circle.
"Oh! I've got one!"
Mickey yelled, and he stood up.
He started to jump around and scratch his armpits.
Everyone laughed.
"A monkey?"
Jenna called.
Mickey nodded.
Jenna went up and started to bark.
"Easy! That's a dog!"
Rose said.
Jenna rolled her eyes and smiled.
Mickey was crossing his fingers for some reason.
Rose thought for a moment, then pointed to the Doctor's hair, and a pot.
"Harry Potter?"
The Doctor raised his hand.
Rose nodded.
He stood up.
Mickey smirked at him.
What did that mean?
He took a deep breath.
The Doctor walked over to a rose bush.
Then he pointed to himself.
He made a heart.
And pointed at Rose.

Wow, that was short. Lol. Hope it didn't suck that much.
Thank you for reading!

Tenrose Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें