I shook my head. „I can't do this. I can't move on. And, I don't want to. If that makes me weak, then fine, I'm weak. I can't handle him being gone. I can't handle feeling like this anymore."

She hugged me. „Fine, I didn't came here because of pancakes."

„So why are you here?" Dorian asked and I wiped the tears from my eyes.

„I heard about one witch. Maybe she can help you."

„What?!" I yelled.

„Oh, calm down. I don't know anything else, I just know where she lives."

„What are we waiting for? Let's go there!"

„First, promise me something."

„What?" I asked suspiciously.

„Promise me, that if this won't work, you will let it go and you will go to Mystic Falls and to your family."


„Listen to me. Your mom died, Klaus is gone, but that doesn't mean you lost your whole family. I am sure that Elijah, Rebekah and Kol will be more than happy. It's not their fault, they lost their brother, don't make is even harder."

I sighed.

I really miss them. I miss Rebekah and feeling that I have a sister who I can tell everything. And I miss Kol and all that fun with him even when he gets on my nerves. And Elijah, he always cares about me.

„Okay. I promise that it this won't work, I will come back to Mystic Falls."


„Are you sure this is the right place?" Dorian asked and he wasn't the only one who was not sure.

This place certainly didn't look like a place where old and powerful witch can live.

„She lives here with her granddaughter." Thea said like it was obvious.

„In the bar?!" Dorian asked once again when he saw large words on the door: BLUE DEMON

„Come on, let's go!" Thea slowly opened the door and all three of us walked into an empty bar.

High chairs lay on the floor and bottles stood on the bar.

„Hello?" Thea yelled but no one answered.

„I think we should come here later. Drinking, dancing and partying all the night." I said sarcastically.

„Last night was something! Great party, you know, the one you won't forget your whole life." said a voice behind our backs.

We faced a young girl with black hair and chocolate brown eyes.

„Looking for someone? It's early for first guests."

„We are looking for Moira." Thea said and I was little nervous how the girl responds.

„Moire is my grandmother." she slowly nodded. „Follow me." she led us down the stairs into the narrow corridor.

She shortly knocked on the door and walked inside.

„Grandma? You have a visit!"

In the room was more things that I've ever seen. Lot of candles, herbs, jewellery, stones, books, with special atmosphere.

„Saphrinne, you can go." The old woman said and the girl left the room.

„What do you want, witch?" she asked me, looking straight into my eyes.

„How do you know that..."

„I know a lot of things."

„Then you know that I came to ask for your help."

„Why should I help you? You are Klaus's daughter."

„You don't know me."

She was looking me in the eyes like she could see all my thoughts.

„You are angry. Dark. You don't feel safe and you don't know what to do about it. You wish you could control your demon instead of having your demons control you. You are lost. Alone."

„Maybe you're right. But it doesn't change the fact that I want to save him."

„Klaus died. Nature needs balance."

„But this is not about balance. You don't want to help me, because you want your revenge."

„He was evil."

„He saved me!" candle flames grew bigger and stranger around us and I had to breath to calm myself down.

„I see you inherited temper from your dad."

„Along with my will do what I want. But I inherited six sense from my mother so I know what is wrong and what isn't."

I wanted to leave but something in her look made me stay.

„Your mother..."

„Assia. Did you..."

„She was a great witch. Very powerful. She had a big heart and she helped lot of people. She died and saved all the witches."

I simply nodded. „It was my destiny, right? It was me who should die. But Klaus saved me, he is the reason I can stay here, in front of you."

„I can send you to one place." she said slowly.

I looked at her, determined to do anything.

But when she saw my expression, she shook her head. „You gonna be there all alone, without protection. I can feel you are strong but your magic wont be enough there."

„I want to go there anyway."

„You can lose everything."

„I have nothing else to lose."

„You are wrong, young witch. You can lose the most precious thing you have."

I took a deep breath. I felt Dorian's body so tensed right next to me, maybe he was hoping I say no. I know he cares about me, that he wants to save me. But we both know this is my fight and I have to go there alone.

„I am ready to go."

She nodded, stood up and walked to the bookshelves. Moira took one of them, black leather covered book, very old. The book has certainly been through a lot and served many generations.

She gently held in her hand as if it was something very powerful and very expensive.

„You can go there by one old spell, but you have to come back by yourself."

„How?" I asked a little confused.

She shook her head. „You will know when is the right time."

„But how will I know something like that?"

„You have to feel it. With your heart."

Her answer confused me. I felt that I am not one step closer to find out how to bring Klaus back that I was. I felt blind and totally helpless but I knew I have to trust her and believe she knows what she is doing.

„What is the place?" said Thea for the first time we came.



Thea is back! And two new characters - Moira nad Saphrinne. What do you think! :)

Outfits: http://www.polyvore.com/saprinne_thea_ali/set?id=81669362

Family Above All (Alexandra, Klaus's daughter - TVD FF) BOOK 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin